可否給我一點整合寫作的建議 - 英檢

Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2011-01-19T18:22

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可否幫我看看這樣寫可不可以 (材料為TPO13的整合寫作)

感覺板上都沒討論大家寫的文章 如果不能貼文的話我晚點自刪囉

The professor talks about buying and selling fossils in the lecture.
Apparently, she is not in favor of the statements in the passage because she
considers them exaggerated. She thinks it can be approached by different
angles when discussing the merits and demerits.

First, although the passage suggests that fossils bought by some private
collectors would probably not be exposed to the public and thus leads to a
decline in public interest, she debunks this idea because she thinks the real
situation is diametrically opposed to it. She says that buying fossils has
become so common that some schools and libraries routinely buy them and
exhibit them to the students and the public. This enhances the opportunity
for people to see them.

Secondly, she refutes the idea in the passage which states that scientist
might miss out on some possible discoveries. She says because each fossil
that is going to be sold should pass experts’ examination, they will
scrutinize the fossil and won’t miss any chance to find some significant
facts about the fossil.

Thirdly, while the passage hints that some evidences about fossils get
destroyed by untrained collectors, the lecturer thinks it helps more fossils
be unearthed. Because there are not enough scientists and researchers digging
out those fossils, those collectors play an important role in the discoveries
of fossils. Although some scientific information might get lost, she thinks
it is better than letting them sleep underground.

Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2011-01-21T10:38
Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2011-01-23T07:28
但不建議First, second, 第二的用moreover之類的變化下
Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2011-01-26T14:39
Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2011-01-30T09:16
謝謝^^ 的確多點變化會好一點


Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2011-01-19T15:06
大家好 我是碩二學生,去年有在補習班補過訪間的寒假托福密集班 當時沒有什麼目的,就祇是好玩而已也沒有要留學什麼的 所以自然就沒有花錢考托福正式考試 但最近學校提供交換學生計畫,還蠻吸引人的 申請的學校要求托福71分以上 由於申請繳件時間急迫,我必須參加月底30號的考試 我自認為自己的英文不太好,但很慶幸考 ...


Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2011-01-19T13:56
板上的強者大大 請問有人知道托福和雅思各科成績的轉換是怎麼轉的嗎? 雅思閱讀7分等於托福閱讀幾分? 雅思聽力7分等於托福聽力幾分? 雅思口說7分等於托福口說幾分? 雅思寫作7分等於托福寫作幾分? 請問有針對各別項目轉換的表嗎? (總分表有在板上看過了:) 謝謝) - ...


Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2011-01-19T03:35
實在是難以置信,怕睡一覺起來分數就像美夢般消失了 所以趕緊跟大家分享一下 雖然104對很多人來講不是很高,但是之前考過沒破百讓我心裡e04千百遍 時間1/8,民國100年 考場:地球村漢口街 104=R28 L30 S19 W27 我先講我的背景好了 112畢業三年 校內除了有比中指的人以及某部份比例的 ...


Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2011-01-19T00:30
請問一下有考過的各位 如果在日本考試 有辦法在台灣收到成績單嗎? 另外 是不是考完兩個禮拜之後網路會公布成績 但紙本證書需要兩個禮拜才能拿到呢? 因為申請學校的關係 不知道來不來的及atat - ...

真的是遇到鬼 欲哭無淚

Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2011-01-19T00:06
= 如為考試心得文,請記得順便PO考場名稱,此行看完請刪除 = R 20 L 6 S 18(FFL) W 18(FF) OMG What the..... 請問這種成績該複查嗎? 我聽力考到加試題耶..... -- 東京巨蛋裡 ▁Tejeda▂▃▂林 ▂▃▂蔣 ▂▃▂ 曬 ...