可以幫我看這段話是什麼意思嗎?謝謝 - 留學

By Ida
at 2008-11-02T23:03
at 2008-11-02T23:03
Table of Contents
These sessions will provide an opportunity for you to learn more about
the School and to pose any questions you might have, be they about the
application process, studying at LSE or living in London.
"They will not, however, form part of the School’s selection process."
※ 編輯: naruru 來自: (11/02 23:06)
推 redanimal :意思應該是說他們不會面談時選學生吧(?) 11/02 23:13
→ redanimal :他可以讓你問關於學校跟其他在倫敦生活的問題... 11/02 23:14
→ redanimal :希望我的破英文有幫到你:) 11/02 23:14
推 spicypopcorn:意思是說這只是純聊天跟篩選過程無關囉~ 11/02 23:15
→ spicypopcorn:目的就是讓妳問她問題,妳interview她的好機會~ 11/02 23:18
→ naruru :謝謝你們,所以就不會當場給offer的意思嗎? 11/02 23:41
→ Tiffany :應該是不會當場給offer 不過我不知道有當場給offer的 11/03 01:11
→ Tiffany :經驗喔? 有人有這樣的經驗嗎? 好特別啊 .... 11/03 01:12
推 Bono :學校代表大多是intl office 他們沒有給offer的權限吧 11/03 02:20
→ Bono :頂多轉交原本就已經發下的offer給你 11/03 02:20
All Comments

By Emily
at 2008-11-06T00:48
at 2008-11-06T00:48

By Lauren
at 2008-11-07T05:33
at 2008-11-07T05:33

By Cara
at 2008-11-08T13:09
at 2008-11-08T13:09

By Andy
at 2008-11-09T04:18
at 2008-11-09T04:18

By Jake
at 2008-11-13T04:27
at 2008-11-13T04:27

By Carolina Franco
at 2008-11-13T08:14
at 2008-11-13T08:14

By Elma
at 2008-11-16T16:26
at 2008-11-16T16:26

By Elma
at 2008-11-17T05:13
at 2008-11-17T05:13
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