又是想請問文法題目>< - 自學

Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2007-06-10T01:19

Table of Contents

※ 引述《yenchenchen (不就是重頭開始)》之銘言:
: : 3.He has five children, and _____ of them is good at painting.
: : (A)everyone (B)everybody (C)every one (D)every
: : 這題答案是C,那A、B為何不行呢?
: 因為a跟c不是不定代名詞,不定代名詞的用法為 不定代名詞 + of +  N
: 基本上這邊的every one ,也可以把它改成each
: 另外,像some , none , all ...等等都是不定代名詞
: 希望1跟3題有解答到你的問題
: 至於第2題,希望有強手可以回答囉^
: : 以上三題,煩請有心人能幫幫忙,非常感謝!


Everyone of us wish to be loved by someone else. 我們每個人都希望被別人愛。

On behalf of everyone of our class, I would like to thank ... 謹代表我們班上的
每個人,我要感謝 ...

Have anyone of you ever thought about visiting Japan? 你們有沒有人想過要去日本

There isn't anyone of this company joined the meeting. 這家公司沒有一個人來開

有一本關於eBay的書,書名叫做:eBay Income: How Anyone of Any Age, Location,
and/or Background Can Build a Highly Profitable Online Business with eBay

還有一首歌叫做Anyone of us (Stupid Mistake) 呢!


Tags: 自學

All Comments

Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2007-06-12T18:07
Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2007-06-16T18:43
答案是C阿~我是說有人說anyone anybody還是可以當代名詞+of
Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2007-06-19T00:16


Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2007-06-10T01:13
※ 引述《clutch (風中的雲)》之銘言: : 1.Everyone who comes to the party is given a wooden apple with _____ own : names cut in it as a souvenir. (A)his (B)her (C)their ...


Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2007-06-10T00:14
之前從來沒唸過經濟學 畢業後發現很多國家考試或徵才考試都要考經濟學 加上工作上可能也會用得到 因此想念經濟學 曾經去書店翻過經濟學的書 實在是有看沒有懂 再加上本身數學又滿差的 因此想以旁聽的方式接觸經濟學 不知哪裡可以旁聽這種課? 還是是否有補習班有在重頭教起的? 謝謝 - ...


Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2007-06-09T23:36
1.Everyone who comes to the party is given a wooden apple with _____ own names cut in it as a souvenir. (A)his (B)her (C)their (D)our 這提的答案是(A)...我同意,但. ...


Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2007-06-09T21:36
最近想買一本這個字典 但不知道他的音標是萬國音標還是KK音標?? 因為我只能看的懂KK音標 不知道有沒有人有這本書呢? -- 如果沒有KK音標的話,那朗文英英字典會有嗎? 還是只要英英的都沒有KK音標呢? - ...


Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2007-06-09T14:37
1. Longman Preparation Series for the TOEIC Test Advanced Course 3/e 含完整5CD與解答本 2. TOEIC Official Test-Preparation Guide 含CD與解答本 麻煩考完TOEIC,想出售上述書 ...