南加大USC傳播學院研究所線上說明會10/30 - 留學

Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2021-10-21T11:44

Table of Contents

南加大國際學院 [線上講座]: 探索南加大傳播與新聞學院三大熱門碩士課程

考慮赴美攻讀傳播與新聞學院嗎? 排名世界第一的南加大新聞與傳播學院 (USC
Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism), 於 10/30 (六) 上午請來三大
熱門科系的課程主任上線介紹, 對 Master of Communication、Management Master of
Science in Communication Data Science (跨學院 STEM 課程) 和 Master of Science
in Digital Social Media 有興趣的同學, 務必把握機會上線參加!

活動免費, 英文進行.

主題: 探索南加大傳播與新聞學院三大熱門碩士課程
時間: (台) 10/30 (六) 上午 10 點
地點: 透過 "騰訊會議" 線上進行
報名: https://forms.gle/nf5UnTdDR4GCKmaE6

主講 (1): Ben Lee
- Clinical Professor
- Associate Director, Master of Communication Management
- https://annenberg.usc.edu/faculty/ben-lee
* Master of Communication Management -

主講 (2): Jessica Neff
- Clinical Assistant Professor of Communication
- Co-Director, Master of Science in Communication Data Science program
- https://annenberg.usc.edu/faculty/jessica-neff
* Master of Science in Communication Data Science -

主講 (3): Daniela Baroffio
- Clinical Professor of Communication
- Director, MS in Digital Social Media
- https://annenberg.usc.edu/faculty/communication/daniela-baroffio
* Master of Science in Digital Social Media -

* 南加大國際學院 USC International Academy - https://international.usc.edu/
(提供非學位課程, 包括英語加強, 碩士預科等)

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Tags: 留學

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