加拿大民謠歌手Scott Cook演唱會 - 新竹

Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2018-02-20T12:41

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Scott Cook w/ Bramwell Park

2018/02/20(二) 16:00-18:30

江山藝改所 Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo

春節假期的最後一天下午四點,請來感受加拿大知名民謠歌手Scott Cook及Bramwell

Finish off CNY holiday with an afternoon of musical magic & good friends!
Canada's premier balladeer Scott Cook and Bramwell Park!

Come early or stay late for a stroll around downtown Hsinchu!

Music at 4pm, so we can groove and chill on the last day of vacation and
still get home nice and early.

DONATIONS ONLY: It's hard to put a price on a Scott Cook experience, so let's
donate generously to make it financially feasible for him to come back often!
And buy his new CD/book (and his old ones if you don't have them!)

Scott's Story:
After six years wrangling kindergarteners in Taiwan, Canada's Scott Cook took
up the life of a full-time troubadour, and has spent the last ten years
touring relentlessly across Canada, the USA, Europe, Asia, Australia, and
elsewhere, all the while distilling his experiences into straight-talking,
keenly observant verse. In 2017 he released his sixth studio album, Further
Down the Line, which earned him his second Canadian Folk Music Award
nomination for English Songwriter of the Year. The album is packaged in a
132-page book containing a look back, in words and pictures, on his last
decade of near-incessant travel. He's returning to Taiwan for a motorcycle
tour in support of the album, with Canadian multi-instrumentalist Bramwell
Park opening the shows and accompanying Scott on banjo, mandolin, guitar, and
harmony vocals. Both veteran road warriors, they still believe that songs can
change your life, and your life can change the world.

"One of Canada's most inspiring and imaginative storytellers." -Maverick

"As good a modern folkie as we have these days. A voice perfect for the
genre. An understanding beyond the norm." -No Depression

"There's nothing flash about Canada's Cook. He sings his heart and soul, and
in doing so lets light flood into your own... He has a good eye for imagery,
a gentle human touch, a wry sense of humour, a whole lot of integrity, a
warm, rugged voice and a bunch of memorable lines... Truly one of Woody
Guthrie's children." -RnR Magazine


Tags: 新竹

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Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2018-02-20T12:24
家裡狗狗昨天被鞭炮嚇跑了衝出家門,有網友通知剛剛在慈雲路往竹東方向,有看到一隻 同品種的狗狗,在內側車道,請問有人經過此路段也有看到一隻白色惠比特犬嗎? 有相關資訊麻煩通知我們,感謝各位了。 - ...


Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2018-02-20T11:07
請問新的華麗雅緻地點在哪呢?謝謝。 - ...

[南下] 02/20(二) 宜蘭=>新竹

Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2018-02-20T10:34
※ [本文轉錄自 car-pool 看板 #1QYuaA4u ] 作者: catleon (棒貓) 看板: car-pool 標題: [共乘] [南下] 02/20(二) 宜蘭=andgt;新竹 時間: Tue Feb 20 10:33:43 2018 姓 名 :邱先生 ...


Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2018-02-20T10:04
請問新竹市區那裡有賣立體拼圖,今天初五有開的店家呢? https://i.imgur.com/QrbSHvj.jpg - ...


Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2018-02-20T09:30
請問有人知道嗎? 今天初五有開的牙醫 臼齒裂掉需要趕快補起來… 謝謝大家 - ...