冷飯熱炒的文法觀念x1 - 生活
By Bethany
at 2014-06-04T00:00
at 2014-06-04T00:00
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"While driving to school, it suddenly occurred to Professor Lee that he had forgotten his textbooks."
rjamesho: "I am pretty sure the construct is correct: Walking home, it suddenly dawned on me that I had copied the wrong files."
polar bear:「 it 只是虛主詞吧 真正的主詞應是後方的"he"才對 因此句構並無誤 在下淺見 」
羅莉: 「分詞構句的主詞與主句一致是非常重要的(雖然有少數的dangling participles例外). 本句driving的主詞並不是it, 所以錯誤, Juggler大的句子才是正確的寫法.
即使it是虛主詞, 那麼真實主詞是" that he had forgotten his textbooks"整個子句, 而不是Professor Lee, 所以原句仍是錯誤. 」
Kevin: 「版主的選擇是對的, 外國文法書的作者Swan也持相同的看法. 」
我不同意死板板地學英文,不過看到這個,還真想知道誰是真的正確的,我認為雙方都有理: rjamesho, polar bear, Kevin大師們,感覺是以語意的面向,認為這句分詞構句就ok的,而羅莉大師則是支持語法的排列規則需嚴謹。
"While driving to school, it suddenly occurred to Professor Lee that he had forgotten his textbooks."
rjamesho: "I am pretty sure the construct is correct: Walking home, it suddenly dawned on me that I had copied the wrong files."
polar bear:「 it 只是虛主詞吧 真正的主詞應是後方的"he"才對 因此句構並無誤 在下淺見 」
羅莉: 「分詞構句的主詞與主句一致是非常重要的(雖然有少數的dangling participles例外). 本句driving的主詞並不是it, 所以錯誤, Juggler大的句子才是正確的寫法.
即使it是虛主詞, 那麼真實主詞是" that he had forgotten his textbooks"整個子句, 而不是Professor Lee, 所以原句仍是錯誤. 」
Kevin: 「版主的選擇是對的, 外國文法書的作者Swan也持相同的看法. 」
我不同意死板板地學英文,不過看到這個,還真想知道誰是真的正確的,我認為雙方都有理: rjamesho, polar bear, Kevin大師們,感覺是以語意的面向,認為這句分詞構句就ok的,而羅莉大師則是支持語法的排列規則需嚴謹。
All Comments
By Hedwig
at 2014-06-08T02:00
at 2014-06-08T02:00
While driving to school, it suddenly occurred to Professor Lee that he had forgotten his textbooks.
1. 口語的話,意思到位,大家都懂。不管是面對面,還是網路 email 之類,國高中生都 看/聽 得出是什麼意思。
2. 文法角度,關係到 "分詞構句"。規則就是, driving 的人,必須在後面當主詞,所以逗點之後要用 Professor Lee 來開始。因此,如果這是個英語考試的問題,就必定說它是錯的 {"分詞構句前後主詞不一致"},才能得分。
附帶一點,有的分詞片語,譬如 Speaking of..., Frankly speaking, Judging from... 並非分詞構句,避免搞混。
Speaking of the problem, there is no solution yet. 此分詞片語『說到』,並無隱含的主詞,所以後面用什麼來當主詞都可以。不像 driving 明明就指的是 Professor Lee.
分詞片語的部份(討論 Judging from),可以參考:
2014-06-04 21:17:50 補充:
Speaking of the problem, there is no solution yet. 此分詞片語『說到』,並無隱含_特定的_主詞,所以後面用什麼來當主詞都可以。
By Carolina Franco
at 2014-06-04T18:42
at 2014-06-04T18:42
這下子 “床前明月光,疑是地上霜”
Is it the bed or the moon doing the suspecting?
By Hedy
at 2014-06-06T06:16
at 2014-06-06T06:16
這句的主詞是一個名詞子句:he had forgotten his textbooks,分詞構句修飾述部,表示同時發生,但其邏輯上的主詞郤是名詞子句的主詞he = Professor Lee,所以不能省略。否則成了poor English。
2014-06-05 01:05:30 補充:
While driving to school, Professor suddenly noticed that he had forgotten his text books.
By Blanche
at 2014-06-07T02:01
at 2014-06-07T02:01
" 來日綺窗前,寒梅著花未?"
2014-06-05 00:08:26 補充:
當然很多辛苦學子,被我誤導以後,中語程度大幅降低.一輩子沉淪在無知的世界裡 無法自拔.難怪熱血心腸的味道之士,看見我的014的邪論以後憤怒異常.非置我於死地而後快.
2014-06-05 07:39:24 補充:
Dude, you may laugh all you want but just do not drop the pall.
2014-06-05 09:01:51 補充:
2014-06-05 10:51:39 補充:
> 我知道自己不應該用「誰對誰錯」來問問題,再次道歉!
2014-06-05 10:58:16 補充:
> 學習上不會再受到考試追求標準答案的荼毒。
做事上班的時候,就會為了烤雞 追求"應該是老版愛的"答案.
"標準答案"的荼毒 你跑得掉嗎?醬的人,會有"敢把黃弟拉下馬"反群思考能力嗎?
By Frederica
at 2014-06-08T15:04
at 2014-06-08T15:04
語言的確多變,有時候因為寫文章,想要很嚴謹看待語言,不然寫出一堆文法不通的文也不好,不過有時候看待文法太過嚴謹,反而會覺得很煩、很死板,文章也會讀得很辛苦,的確! 這兩極端還真的要拿捏好。
2014-06-04 22:44:06 補充:
現在回想之前國高中逮到機會就拿著文法書追著老師問為什麼文法是寫這樣那樣,覺得自己好蠢。。。囧,結果得到的回答大多是「慣用語! 背起來就對了!」。
2014-06-05 01:07:40 補充:
ok! 謝謝您! 我了解了!
2014-06-05 09:45:17 補充:
2014-06-05 09:50:47 補充:
關於死板板的學習,我的認知是,像我之前學英文的方式: 1) 每天啃文法書,2) 閱讀時,死都要分析每句句構,3)認為正確解答一定是都要字典、文法書說的才正確。
2014-06-05 11:02:16 補充:
2014-06-05 11:03:19 補充:
by the way, 公主又來收保護費了 ㄎㄎ
By Emily
at 2014-06-08T03:29
at 2014-06-08T03:29
Using "it", it indicates "situation. It expresses what happen to Prof. Lee.
Using "Prof. Lee", it indicates "person". It presents what Prof. Lee did.
2014-06-04 20:58:55 補充:
Language is very flexible, you can NOT use ONE grammar rule to constrain an idea of expression. This is why you can ONLY use grammar as a reference, not as a bible to use a language.
2014-06-04 21:52:59 補充:
typo #001
what happen to Prof. Lee ==> what happened to Prof. Lee
2014-06-04 21:57:51 補充:
Only when language is used in a test situation, it becomes very stiff, unreasonable and irrational. Yet, poor Taiwan students have to face such a scenario. However, it also involves attitude problem. There are many foreigners come to Taiwan to learn Chinese,
2014-06-04 22:00:55 補充:
they don't learn Chinese like our students learn English. Instead they learn Chinese to communicate, yet our students learn English to take the test.
I have a nephew who graduated from NTU, with TOEFL score almost perfect. When he came to US for his graduate study.
2014-06-04 22:03:23 補充:
One day, I went to visit him and treated him with lunch. He asked me, "Uncle! Can you order this for me?" I was surprised! He later explained, "I cannot understand what the waitress says." A couple years later, he has NO trouble at all.
2014-06-04 22:07:48 補充:
He later told me, "Learning English really needs practice! I cannot use those grammar rules and vocabularies I learned in a daily conservation. After a couple years of practice, I finally correct this problem."
2014-06-04 22:10:04 補充:
He further told me, "After I have learned it, I find that grammar rules and vocabulary become instinct. I don't need to THINK what or which to use."
2014-06-04 22:26:30 補充:
That is to say, instead of studying a book of grammar or vocabulary, you might as well use it first, when you get stuck, you then check into grammar or vocabulary to see how to express it correctly.
2014-06-04 22:29:24 補充:
This way you will learn how, where, and when to use it. Instead of memorizing the entire things, yet you don't know when, where and how to use it. Worst of all, you forget and lose what you have memorized.
2014-06-05 12:48:44 補充:
Master AP 是泥菩薩過江, 她不是來收保護費,而是來收零用錢的 :-)
I had better watch out for flying shoes!
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