[全國] Facebook Chat Room [JUST CHAT!] - 英檢

Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2013-11-25T22:19

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※ [本文轉錄自 StudyGroup 看板 #1IZtoLps ]

作者: she192224 (提爾斯變好中^.<) 看板: StudyGroup
標題: [精進] [全國] Facebook Chat Room
時間: Fri Nov 22 23:47:19 2013

Please feel free to say anything you want as long as it won't hurt anyone.

What you say is supposed to meet the laws created by our interesting

legislators haha.

1. 自介:My name is Beteve, NEW TOEIC 890

2. 對象:Anyone who is willing to discuss issues in English

3. 目標:From the habits of expressing opinions in English

4. 原因:chat in English on facebook club all the time

5. 地點:Just chat! https://www.facebook.com/groups/581731658542737/

6. 時間:unlimited, whenever you feel like talking about something

7. 方式:

(1) Feel free to say anything! The sky is the limit but English only!!

You can share your experiences, your feelings about all kinds of issue.

(2) Members are entitled to share all kinds of English resources

(pictures, medias, films, news...etc) as long as you think it may lead to

a big conversation.

8. 範圍:Anything could arouse the interest to chat, unlimited

9. 人數限制:unlimited, but your English ability is equal to TOEIC 800

at least is expected.

10.解散條件:Nobody in the club wants to talk

11.運作規則:same as 7.

Make sure you have strong passion to talk before entering the group.

Any suggestions to this facebook group is welcomed. :)

Lets get started to chat&chat&chat haha :D


不要等到他當天使之後 我們才在這邊思念他有多好,


Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2013-11-29T00:58
目標應該是form the habits...?


Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2013-11-25T21:57
本日主題是替代用法、省略,台灣晚上十點開播。 直播:http://www.justin.tv/windaweather 分流:http://www.livestream.com/Aweather 網站:http://aweathersenglishclub.wordpress.com/ 社團:https:/ ...


Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2013-11-25T21:07
不好意思想請問板上各位高手們幾個好像有點愚蠢的問題 由於小的曾長期居住在美國 身邊也沒有太多華人的狀況下 打鬧玩耍聊心事的朋友都是美國人 回國三個月後打算下定決心來準備托福 本來以為自己最不用擔心的是口說這一塊 認真爬了很久的文後是越看越緊張 我的問題是: 1.是不是口說時該要正經八百不能像和 ...


Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2013-11-25T19:57
大家好 小弟po這篇文是想跟大家請益 我疑似被ETS給陰了 想跟大家請教如果是大家會怎麼處理? -------------------------------- 事情始末是這樣的: 我是昨天在台南忠義路考場的考生 我第一部分的閱讀測驗的題目非常奇怪又詭異 我總共有42個考題,卻只有50分鐘。 而 ...


Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2013-11-25T13:01
大家~~ 我今天收到toefl寄來的信說我原訂12/7在及人高中的考試因故取消 我想說來改個schedule,結果最快可以考試1/12 是想問問大家有人會想出讓12月的考場嗎?如果有12/7的是感激不盡啦 打擾了~謝謝大家 - ...

J2TOEFL 11/24直接命中精華版+完整回憶

Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2013-11-25T08:41
11/24口說、獨立寫作完全命中精華版! 感謝同學及時回報! 同學說只練習了一套,就直接命中了喔!命中率百分之百! 再次特別感謝幫忙回憶的同學們,讓今天的回憶更完整!還有同學連字彙題 的 『選項』都回憶出來了! 模擬真題命中情況: http://j2toef ...