免費資訊分享--自傳 - 英檢

Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2013-08-25T15:14

Table of Contents

*Free* Personal Statement/SOP Information Session

Time: Wednesday, August 28th from 17:00 - 18:30.

Location: Transcend Admissions Consultants - 106台北市信義路4段6號15F-14

Instructor: David Johnston, personal statement guru and Founder of Transcend
Admissions Consultants

Class Size: Limit 16 people

RSVP: [email protected]

An excellent personal statement can increase your chances of grabbing a

coveted admission. But when you think about your personal statement does it

give you a headache? Are you having problems generating and organizing ideas

for this critical essay? Transcend Admissions can help!

It might be called a personal statement / statement of purpose / statement of

motivation / study plan or goals essay but regardless of the name it is a

critical essay that you will almost always need to write if you are applying

to graduate school. This challenging and complex essay requires the writer

to include lots of information such as explanations of their important past

experiences, the motivations behind their future goals and why they need

graduate education now to succeed.

-Avoiding common problems
-Organizing your ideas
-Analyzing the question
-Tips for outlining your answer
-Clearly explaining your goals
-Your need for graduate education
-Your fit and contribution to the program
-Writing in a concise and compelling way
-Incorporating a theme & making your essay more interesting
-Lots of practical materials!
-Answering students questions about personal statements

*The information presented at this session is suitable of anyone applying to

MS, Law, PhD, MBA or any other type of graduate program - as long as you need

to write a personal statement. Please join us!


David Johnston
[email protected]

Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2013-08-28T04:02


Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2013-08-25T14:16
這是第四次了 前面三次聽力都是20上下一分 前三次都出現鳥類遷移、霸王花、拉格音樂 這次又出現 表示又是一樣的分數嗎? 考到25以上的戰友有看過聽力加試題嗎?? - ...


Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2013-08-25T12:20
之前報名了哈佛托福班,但幾乎都沒去上 現在想說自己念 發現之前有發兩本Mock Exams的書 想知道音檔會在哪裡? 謝謝! - ...


Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2013-08-25T00:28
對學字首字根有興趣, 或是有習慣線上查詢單字的考生可以參考這些連結! 字典連結: http://www.english4formosa.com/ 特色: *快速連結到各大字典解釋, 讓您輕鬆比較各字典查詢字義 *English4Formosa字首字根分解 *完美配合所有教材 範例單字: ambulanc ...


Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2013-08-24T20:24
大家好,我是今天大學應屆畢業生 也有打算出國讀書只是沒那麼快(大約預計兩年或三年後再去,目前先工作存錢) 最近想開始找托福或是GMAT的補習班,因為怕跟學校脫節太久會把英文忘光 想請問各位 1. 托福跟Gmat哪個先補比較好?哪個準備難度比較高?(我知道托福保留兩年Gmat四年,如果先考托福的話似乎比較吃虧? ...


Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2013-08-24T20:04
針對今天24號考試 推出明天必看重點提組 明天的考生,今晚可以快速掃描一下喔 短短幾頁而已喔 直接下載點:http://www.theenglishegg.com/1/post/2013/08/825.html 除此之外,如果還有時間,建議看一下 這裡的口說寫作題目: http://www.thee ...