免費線上諮詢-綜合口說+獨立寫作技巧 - 英檢

By Mary
at 2016-04-24T20:23
at 2016-04-24T20:23
Table of Contents
Hi 托福版友們大家好,謝謝大家支持,上週幫忙幾位版友諮詢,
方法:學會"summarize", 知道每個題目要回答哪些"點", 細節不是必要
示範:[131122-NA] 口說3+4題
- S3題目:
Reading: 有人建議把宿舍的lounge的一間改成study room, 這樣大家可以去學習。
並且在study room裡配上電腦。
Listening: 男生認為這個proposal很好, 是what students need。因為:1) 每次大家在
lounge裡看電視什麼的都很吵, 而且宿舍也吵, 比如室友一天到晚打電話聽音樂。而且
他們沒有地方學習。2)如果有電腦就方便多了。不是每個人都有電腦的, 有時候大家必
須去圖書館用電腦。可是有時太晚了, 圖書館都關門了。
- 模板:
The university is planning to (新政策) because (原因1). In addition, they
think that (原因2). However, the man/woman disagrees with this idea/doesn’t
like the plan (立場). He/She feels that (原因1). Besides, he/she believes
that (原因2).
1. 新政策是什麼?
2. 為什麼要有新政策?(2原因)
3. 男/女的立場為何?
4. 為什麼他的立場是這樣?(2原因)
- 回答:(白色-模板/亮黃-必要/暗黃-補充)
The university is planning to change a lounge in the dorm into a study room
so everyone can study there. In addition, the study room will be equipped with
computers. The man totally agree with this idea. He thinks that currently
students do not have a proper place to study because the dorm is very noisy.
For example, people listen to music/talk on the phone in the room all day or
watch TV in the lounge. Besides, he believes that having computers in the
study room is very convenient because not everyone has a computer. Some people
have to go to the library to find one. But sometimes it’s too late that the
library is closed.
- S4題目:
Reading: 一個概念:latent demand-現在不存在,但可以被商家identify出來,從而有
針對性的生產商品來滿足潛在客戶的需求。一旦有產品了, 會很成功, 因為這時候沒有
Listening: 在最開始的時候, 人們在家裡用large stereo來聽音樂, 後來出現了小點的
stereo, 人們就把便攜式的stereo帶到戶外聽音樂。有商家sense到了這個latent demand,
想如果大家可以在public場合聽音樂, 但是不是這種out loud的, 而是可以privately地
聽, 別人聽不到的那種, 那不是很好嗎? 於是他們製造了很小的stereo, 而且有耳機,
所以別人聽不到, 只有自己聽到。果然產品一出來就熱賣, 商家賺翻, 因為還沒有競爭
- 模板:
The professor is talking about a concept called (專有名詞), which refers to
the phenomenon/idea that (解釋). And he/she gives us 2 examples to illustrate
this concept. In the first case, (例1). So this demonstrates how (專有名詞)
works. In the second example, (例2). Again, (專有名詞) can be easily
observed/presented here.
1. 專有名詞+解釋
2. 聽力裡的舉例 (2例子)
- 回答:(白色-模板/亮黃-必要/暗黃-補充)
The professor is talking about a concept called latent demand, which refers
to an idea that a company can be very successful if it can identify potential
clients' need and produce products accordingly, since there are no other
competitors in the market. He gives us an example to illustrate this
concept. In the beginning, people used large stereos at home to listen to
music. Later, they brought the stereo outdoor. Some companies sensed the
"latent demand" that it would be even better if people can listen to the
music outdoor privately, so they produced small stereos with earphones.
Not surprisingly, this product achieved huge success because there were no
similar products in the market then. This example demonstrates how latent
demand works.
1. 平常練習要計時, 30min寫作, 10min檢查, 之後壓縮時間
2. 利用機經練習想論點, 先寫完三個論點, 再發展例子
3. 多看範文, 有一套固定的文章結構
練習:每一題獨立寫作利用2分鐘寫大綱(立場+3論點), 可拿機經練習, 一次3-5題
示範:[110813-CN] 獨立寫作
- 題目1:
As we are facing serious environmental problems, what suggestions would you
give on how to save our planet?
1. 做好垃圾回收
2. 節能 (eg.不吹冷氣, 搭大眾運輸工具)
3. 減少碳足跡 (eg.不吃牛肉, 自備環保筷)
- 題目2:
Are you willing to carefully choose the gift which your friends like or
choose whatever gift you like? Explain with specific reasons and details.
1. 自己喜歡的朋友不一定喜歡, 送禮的人喜歡最重要 (舉例)
2. 選別人喜歡的比較有誠意 (means you care)
3. 選了別人不喜歡的造成他的困擾 (變垃圾, 舉例)
All Comments

By Jacky
at 2016-04-29T10:41
at 2016-04-29T10:41

By Ingrid
at 2016-04-30T04:49
at 2016-04-30T04:49

By Kyle
at 2016-05-04T19:58
at 2016-05-04T19:58

By Elizabeth
at 2016-05-08T13:48
at 2016-05-08T13:48

By Bethany
at 2016-05-12T02:44
at 2016-05-12T02:44

By Emily
at 2016-05-13T21:29
at 2016-05-13T21:29

By Vanessa
at 2016-05-16T02:28
at 2016-05-16T02:28

By Jack
at 2016-05-17T17:41
at 2016-05-17T17:41
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