來討論一下剛出爐的 4/18 IELTS好嗎 - 英檢

Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2009-04-21T00:33

Table of Contents

(高雄 BC)

- accommodation
what kind of accommodation do you live in?
what can you see from the window?
are there something on the wall?
- internet
when was the first time you used the Internet?
what do you usually do online?
what effects did the Internet bring to us?
is there something bad brought by the Internet?
- music
are you in favour of music? what kind?
did you listen to lots of music when you was a child?
is music important in your culture?

describe a good law in your contry.
what is this law?
what is the aim of this law?
who has been effected by this law?

is police a popular job in your country?
what personalities should a police have?
are people in favour of being a lawyer or a police officer?
do people in your country often obey laws? or break laws?
can you describe a situation that breaking the law is acceptable?


拿到part2 題目傻眼傻很大,整個就是亂講一通...
考官是個紐西蘭北北,講話很 murmur ,我幾乎要趴到桌子上才聽清楚他在講什麼 @@
我想我的分數應該也會傻眼傻很大 XD

Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2009-04-22T09:07
我在台中考 考官也在打呵欠
Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2009-04-26T08:41

沒出國打算 但仍想考托福

Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2009-04-20T23:48
我倒是持不同看法 外商公司我不清楚 不過照我之前找工作的經驗來看 目前多益(TOEIC)在台灣的能見度比托福(TOEFL)高 怎麼說呢 1.多益考試的人數在台灣近年是以倍增成長 六年內成長了十倍(可以參考今周刊637期 P.50) 可見 多益在台灣的能見度提升且有持續成長的趨勢 2.托 ...

沒出國打算 但仍想考托福

Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2009-04-20T22:59
我支持作者的看法 就我找工作的經驗 一堆外商公司只看toefl成績 很少會列出toeic成績的選項 可以說是幾乎沒有 而且這世上有一堆自以為是可以出國的留學生 會直接告訴你她考的toefl成績有多高 TOEIC是什麼東西, 沒聽過 既然外文系畢業,這些留學考試就考考吧 說不定以後還可以去補習班騙騙錢 我也是準 ...


Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2009-04-20T22:35
已經考完都快一個月了 我在網路上都可以查到分數 但是到目前為止都還沒收到紙本成績 我考試前也已經指定要寄出去的學校了 他們也都還沒收到 有人有遇到跟我一樣的情形嗎? - ...

來討論一下剛出爐的 4/18 IELTS好嗎

William avatar
By William
at 2009-04-20T22:13
※ 引述《reggaebabe (去旅行...)》之銘言: (上述引言恕刪) 今天的小卡: : Who is a good cook? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ : What can he/she cook? : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ How does ...


Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2009-04-20T21:06
我在三月份的時候加發了7所學校 不過其中一間學校跟我說沒收到 所以我寄信去ETS請他們幫我免費再加發一次 我有附上收據、未收到托福成績通知書以及一些自己的基本資料 但是一直沒收到ETS回應 想請問也有人是用寄信的方式去請他再加發嗎? 那ETS有回信嗎? 還是沒回信就直接幫你加發了呢? 謝謝 - ...