作文的寫作方式。 - 英檢

Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2010-05-25T01:57

Table of Contents


What are some of the qualities of a good parent? Use specific details and
examples to explain your answer.

Under our comprehensive universe, education would be the highest weighty
intention across the novel of our lives. When we initially write down our
first chapter, parents would be the primary active roles, describing the
narrative of our childhood. For almost every occasion, manners and concepts
of parents would form a crucial factor for influencing the inner qualities as
well as affecting the future of children. Since children are as a row of
white walls, diverse manners would be absorbed into their brains and
automatically illustrate various colors on the walls as the standard of their
behaviors. However, no matter how children absorb positive or negative
manners, we could not clean the artificial walls as purifying the walls of
children. Obviously, parents’ manners would be a magnitude of constructing
excellent behavior of children by virtue of if parents could behave with
eminent methods, then children would also imitate. When parents educate their
children, they always attach their concepts to their children confidentially,
even though they would not deliberate. Therefore, parents would be possess
with responsibility to bring justified notions for assisting children would
be able to perceive our beguiling world, since along with indirect thinking,
children would tread on improper journeys of life. Wealth, class and jobs
would not be the actual values in our spirit, since family is the core of our
lives. Our future of society would be determined by our children,
furthermore, children’ future are determined by us. Consequently, in
significance according to my understanding, parents who are willing to focus
on educating, realizing and sharing with their children would be exceptional

Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2010-05-25T04:43
Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2010-05-25T05:46


Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2010-05-23T18:03
我是toefl準備的新手,還在看OG,一邊摸索準備的方向,目前是自己念沒有補習 在傷心咖啡館下載了一些資源,然後發現這裡有toefl板 未來我還要向板上各位強者請益,請多指教~ 在傷咖找到一段 20090819 8月19日英吉TOEFL備考講座 這是一個大陸的老師,大陸人上課很激動啊 XD 一邊聽一邊 ...


Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2010-05-23T17:25
(不太會用BBS排版,所以想看上色版可以去我的部落格: http://www.wretch.cc/blog/a9070201/29736933 ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ...


Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2010-05-23T15:37
5/8出分 R 28 L 25 S 23(FF) W 21(FF) Total 97 可是我真的需要100分 所以請問 這樣的成績有機會複查後到100嗎? 寫作會不會比較有機會呢? 麻煩大家給我建議 謝謝 - ...


Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2010-05-23T07:57
hi guys 想請問各位拿高分的大大 有辦法從F到G嗎~ 我一般回答第一與第二題都是抓兩點來說 另外加個例子 但都頂多只拿到F 其他第五題就要看主題我有沒有熟悉 常常會漏聽一點 頂多拿F 校園對話是我比較有把握的 我回答模式是先描述問題 男女生意見 但仍然無法拿到G 想請問大大有無 建議 謝謝 -- ...


Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2010-05-23T01:40
我也是今天在元智的考生 其實拖到11點半考這件事,如果真的是系統問題 花比別的考場考生多的時間來考試 雖然並不公平,但若考試期間沒有出狀況就算了 但今天的狀況實在是令人滿肚子火 當等了1個半小時,一些考生已開始考時,又有很多考生發生狀況 試場人員此時及其他考生在一旁像玩大風吹一樣換來換去座位 教室也沒多 ...