作夢夢到的一份白蘭式 - 英檢

David avatar
By David
at 2009-02-20T17:33

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鐘乳石的補充...from Wiki (english)

Stalactites are formed by the deposition of calcium carbonate and other
minerals, which is precipitated from mineralized water solutions. Limestone
is calcium carbonate rock which is dissolved by water that contains carbon
dioxide forming a calcium hydrogencarbonate solution. The chemical formula
for this reaction is:[1]

CaCO3(s) + H2O(l) + CO2(aq) → Ca(HCO3)2(aq)

This solution travels through the rock until it reaches an edge and if this
is on the roof of a cave it will drip down. When the solution comes into
contact with air the chemical reaction that created it is reversed and
particles of calcium carbonate are deposited. The reversed reaction is:[1]

Ca(HCO3)2(aq) → CaCO3(s) + H2O(l) + CO2(aq)

An average growth rate is 0.13 mm (0.005 inches) a year. The quickest growing
stalactites are those formed by fast flowing water rich in calcium carbonate
and carbon dioxide, these can grow at 3 mm (0.12 inches) per year.[2]

Every stalactite begins with a single mineral-laden drop of water. When the
drop falls, it leaves behind the thinnest ring of calcite. Each subsequent
drop that forms and falls deposits another calcite ring. Eventually, these
rings form a very narrow (0.5 mm), hollow tube commonly known as a "soda
straw" stalactite. Soda straws can grow quite long, but are very fragile. If
they become plugged by debris, water begins flowing over the outside,
depositing more calcite and creating the more familiar cone-shaped
stalactite. The same water drops that fall from the tip of a stalactite
deposit more calcite on the floor below, eventually resulting in a rounded or
cone-shaped stalagmite. Unlike stalactites, stalagmites never start out as
hollow "soda straws." Given enough time, these formations can meet and fuse
to create columns.

Stalactites can also form in lava tubes, although the mechanism of formation
is much different.

[edit] Concrete
Experiment modeling drip stone formation in the lab.

Stalactites can also form on concrete, and on plumbing where there is a slow
leak and limestone (or other minerals) is in the water supply, although they
form much more rapidly there than in the natural cave environment
(description and experiments see literature).

The way stalactites form on concrete is due to different chemistry than those
that form naturally in limestone caves and is the result of the presence of
calcium oxide in concrete. This calcium oxide reacts with any rainwater that
penetrates the concrete and forms a solution of calcium hydroxide. The
chemical formula for this is:[1]

CaO(s) + H2O(l) → Ca(OH)2(aq)

Over time this calcium hydroxide solution reaches the edge of the concrete
and, if the concrete is suspended in the air, for example, in a ceiling or a
beam, then this will drip down from the edge. When this happens the solution
comes into contact with air and another chemical reaction takes place. The
solution reacts with carbon dioxide in the air and precipitates calcium

Ca(OH)2(aq) + CO2(g) → CaCO3(s) + H2O(l)

When this solution drops down it leaves behind particles of calcium carbonate
and over time these form into a stalactite. They are normally a few
centimeters long and with a diameter of approximately half a centimeter.[1]

Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2009-02-21T11:21
Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2009-02-24T16:45

菁英補習班 補後感想 (續)

Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2009-02-20T16:09
就接著之前的文章囉~ 師資介紹的部份 *** 2.Giselle (氣質正妹 中師)初級文法 中級文法 TOEIC(C)及TOEIC(D) ### 初級文法 中級文法 老師很用心 都會自己製作講義 再配合課本的練習題 交叉教學 可以馬上學 馬上練習 記得快 也容易記長久 而且老師還會利用可愛的 ...

ET$ requires feedbak的e-mail

Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2009-02-20T15:46
E-mail裡收到了一封標題為: and#34;ETS, the developer of TOEFL, requests your feedback and#34; 的e-mail 進去填寫後,一開始就有說 and#34; Please note that only a selected numb ...

菁英補習班 補後感想

Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2009-02-20T14:52
看到版上一直有人在詢問哪一間補習班好 忍不住想要分享自己這一年來補習的經驗和感受 特別是這間 感覺上比較少人接觸過的補習班 菁英補習班 *** 就像版上大多數的人第一次對菁英的感受一樣 專員的服務親切 周到 制服很美 專員也很美 :P 我承認是被他們的這樣的態度給吸引的 在程度測驗後 他們and ...


Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2009-02-20T14:43
嗯... 我考過兩次 但前兩次都沒有參考北美機經 但看板上好像機經有時候命中率頗高 所以第三次(目標是破百...) 所以想試問是否有可參考的北美機經? 感謝解答 - ...


Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2009-02-20T12:43
話說我這周末就要考試哩~ 不過~依目前實力只能當模擬考哩^+^and#34; 在這次準備過程中~ 深刻體會自己的字彙量真的超少!!!~ 想請問各位大大如何提升字彙量最有效率呢??? 有人說買單字書來K~ (我個人是蠻不愛背單字書的...尤其那種上4.5千的) 有人說買字根書來K~ 又有人是邊看文章邊背單 ...