今年曼大Marketing CCRM的所有論文題目 - 留學

Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2012-05-14T22:05

Table of Contents

以下為UoM Marketing 和 CCRM的所有有指導論文的老師跟他們的題目,






Dissertation Topic Areas 2011-2012

Dr Emma Banister
Understanding consumer behaviour using practice theory

Dr Jamie Burton
Customer feedback- creating value from compliments, suggestions, concerns and complaints; Servitization/ service infusion

Dr John Byrom
Marketing and Museums

Dr Theodoulidis (Babis)Charalampos
Business intelligence applications for marketing; application domains: social networking, complaints and complements.
Service design and quality; application domains: retail, education, health, etc

Dr Lucy Daly
The use of ecommerce as a communication tool

Professor Gary Davies
The effect of adding a corporate brand to a product brand

Professor John Dawson
International retailing

Dr Lee Douglas
1) Consumer behaviour modelling & retail market analysis techniques; application to retail planning problems; 2) Public policy implications of retail strategies; 3) Retail market saturation; 4)The geography of place

Dr Lee Edwards
Corporate communications, society and culture; The construction of the communications and marketing professions / Diversity in the communications professions

Dr Anna Goatman
Not-for-profit marketing

Dr Anthony Grimes
The interplay of imagination, perception and memory in the construction of attitudes and behaviour

Dr Thorsten Gruber
Recovering from Service Failures in Higher Education; Understanding the Customer’s Experience with Self-Service Technology

Dr Alex Gunz
Materialism and consumer psychology/consumer well-being

Dr Daniel Hampson
Digital Marketing

Professor Paul Jackson
Employee engagement and CSR / AstraZeneca collaboration

Professor Jikyeong Kang
Customer Satisfaction

Dr Debbie Keeling
Retailer and consumer roles in the healthy living agenda

Dr Kathy Keeling
New media and marketing; Predicting customer acceptance of new technology services

Dr Hong Liu
Bank Marketing; High-tech Marketing

Professor Dominic Medway
Transient market traders and specialist street markets; place marketing; role of smell in marketing communications.

Professor Peter Naude
Any B2B topics

Dr Terry Newholm
Consumer Tribes: consumption, brand meaning and marketing.

Dr John Pal
The Portas Review; Corporate retail failure

Professor Helen Perks
Product/service innovation in regulated environments, with particular focus on police and medical devices sectors

Dr Ilias Petronias
Customer Relationship Management, Business Intelligence, Competitive Intelligence, IT in marketing

Dr Carla Ramos
Business Network Coopetition

Irene Roele
Market Sensing/Continuous Learning about Markets/'orchestrating knowledge’ from an RBV perspective, or an MBV perspective

Dr Stuart Roper
The measurement of Corporate Reputation – possible collaboration with a reputation consultancy

Professor Nitin Sanghavi
Multi –Channel Retailing; Impact of Social Media on Company Branding

Professor Peter Turnbull
International marketing; Country of origin effects; international processes; Market entry strategies; B2B marketing

Dr Judy Zolkiewski
B2B marketing including B2B services, strategy and relationship and network dynamics


在英國上PTT超級慢編輯超麻煩 lol


Tags: 留學

All Comments

Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2012-05-16T20:10
Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2012-05-20T00:20
thank you:D


Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2012-05-14T17:38
我目前住在距離Canery Wharf只有兩站距離的Crossharbour 去年九月搬來這裡後網路一直很差,是使用BT的 網路常連不上不然就是很不穩定 之前住學校的時候跟家人朋友連skype講話一直都很清楚也很順 可是現在就是常常跟我通話的那方會說聽不到或者是聲音會延遲很久 跟房東反映了他說這已經是最快了 ...


Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2012-05-14T08:00
在英待了一陣子,來講講心得好了 本篇著重在學校方面的事項,不然大概會太多東西講不完 (每間學校的情況不同,我針對我碰到的情況講述心得) 我想從申請學校開始,大部份的人都注意到英國學校的辦事效率 只有一個字能形容 就是 and#34;慢and#34; 寄個E-mail問個問題往往得等上個幾天,還不一定有人回 ...


Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2012-05-14T04:54
小妹在考慮於七月底的碩士先修班開課前 先一個人去維也納自助旅行 考量的是飛維也納機票約比飛英國新堡的便宜一萬多 再加上玩心 前幾天聽英國留學講座 講師說英國一年碩士班的課業極度繁重 開課後根本沒什麼時間去旅行 本身是酷愛旅行 想請問於開課前先小旅行的人多嗎? 維也納的治安交通方便嗎? 因為家人都認為我此行的目 ...

代po 倫敦二區近canada water

Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2012-05-14T04:16
代po文 勿站內信 請直接信箱連絡 謝謝 canada water 倫敦二區 單人/雙人 出租 from 5/21 to 7/2 房屋位於Canada water and Rotherhithe 之間 Jubilee line and over ground line上 到市區20分鐘以內 房間位於三樓 ...


Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2012-05-13T17:30
徵求8月至9/22的短租 雙人房為佳,價格暫不限,可議 地點最好在UCL附近,或是只要倫敦內也可考慮 有興趣者請寄站內信或 yichen1122athotmail.com 謝謝:) - ...