中文翻英文幫忙一下謝謝^^ - 健康

Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2007-12-02T00:00

Table of Contents

1.台灣是個好地方 風景優美 食物也好吃 我最愛台灣的食物了
2.在台灣的食物中我最愛臭豆腐 它獨特的臭味 很吸引我 吃一次就愛上它了
3.我贊成同居. 因為婚前每個人都有選擇對象的自由 當然也可以嘗試同居.
4.我贊成異國婚姻. 因為真愛是沒有分國籍的
5.我的休閒活動就是游泳 因為游泳有益身體健康 又可以鍛鍊身體 是個不錯的運動
6.台灣的節慶中我最喜歡中秋節因為很特別和有趣. 可以吃月餅和烤肉.
Tags: 健康

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Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2007-12-02T12:07
1. Taiwan is a good country that has beautiful scenary and delicious food, I love Taiwanese food the best.
2.Within Taiwanese food I love Stinky tofu due to its unique smell which attracts me and when I first had a taste I was hooked.
3.I approve of people living together as before marriage every person has the right to choose a person freely. Of course the trial of living together is ok.
4.I support interracial marriages.As love should have no races.
5.My hobby is swimming as swimming is a healthy sport and can improve body fitness and health so it is a good option for a sport.
6.In Taiwan's festivals I love the moon festival the best as i find it very interesting, and can also eat mooncake and have bbq.
7.My most commonly used tool of transportation is the bus and mrt as it is convenient and environmentally friendly.
Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2007-12-02T18:00
1.台灣是個好地方 風景優美 食物也好吃 我最愛台灣的食物了
Taiwan was good place fine scenery food is also delicious I most to
love Taiwan food
2.在台灣的食物中我最愛臭豆腐 它獨特的臭味 很吸引我 吃一次就愛上它了
I most liked the strong-smelling fermented beancurd in Taiwan's food it the unique fetid odor attracting me to eat very much time fall in love with it
3.我贊成同居. 因為婚前每個人都有選擇對象的自由 當然也可以嘗試同居.
I approved lives together Because before the wedding each people
all had the choice object the freedom certainly also to be allowed to
attempt live together
4.我贊成異國婚姻. 因為真愛是沒有分國籍的
I approve the foreign land marriage Because the real love is has not been divided the nationality
5.我的休閒活動就是游泳 因為游泳有益身體健康 又可以鍛鍊身體 是個不錯的運動
My leisure activity is the swimming because swims the beneficial health to be allowed to hammer the body is a good movement
6.台灣的節慶中我最喜歡中秋節因為很特別和有趣. 可以吃月餅和烤肉.
Taiwan's festival celebrates me most to like Midautumn Festival because very specially and is interesting May eat the moon cake ant the barbecue
My ordinary transportation vehicle is the public vehicle and Czechoslovakia transports because quite convenient compares the environmental protection
Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2007-12-05T08:06
1.Taiwan is a good place Beautiful scenery The food is delicious too I love the food of Taiwan most
2.I love the strong-smelling preserved bean curd most in the food of Taiwan Its unique stink Attract me very much Have eaten and loved it once
3.I agree to live together . Because pre-marital everybody has the freedom to choose the target Certainly can try to live together too.
4.I agree to the marriage of foreign country. Because the true love has not divided the nationality
5.My recreation activity is to swim Because have benefit health to swim Can forge the health of the chain It is a good sport
6.I like most because very special and interesting on the Mid-autumn Festival in the festival celebration of Taiwan. Can eat the moon cake and roast meat .
7.I usual means of transportation transport bus and victory because convenient and comparative environmental protection


Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2007-12-01T00:00
那天我們班上的人在爭一個問題......傷口上可以灑鹽嗎?有人說可以,也有人說不行,老實說我也滿好奇的,到底傷口�� ...


Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2007-12-01T00:00
我的婆婆4年前做健康檢查時醫生說肺部有黑點當時便動過肺部手術之後每月複診情況均良好但最近一次的複診結�� ...


Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2007-11-27T00:00
請問一下我目前懷孕3ㄍ多越快4ㄍ月ㄌ..寶寶要幾ㄍ月才會又胎動阿..有ㄉ目前跟我說沒哪ㄇ快有感覺ㄉ我每次都會 ...


Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2007-11-27T00:00
我今年24,我老公34,我們己經結婚快四年了,兒子也三歲多了...但我老公很愛喝酒,健康報告出來己經中度脂肪�� ...


Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2007-11-27T00:00
美商天獅健康食品有限公司是台灣近幾年新的直銷公司嗎?我想知道有關此公司的運作方式及獎金制度及其行銷手�� ...