一題highlighted sentence題 - 英檢

Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2011-01-26T13:24

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原文是wind farms-> interfere with flight patterns of migratory birds
-> killed birds of prey (hunt along the same ridge lines)
而B是wind farms -> cause migratory birds to change flight patterns
-> interfere with the areas

(以上內容由美加 心宥老師提供)

※ 引述《laughters (good!)》之銘言:
: Large wind farms might also interfere with the flight patterns of migratory
: birds in certain areas,
: and they have killed large birds of prey (especially hawks, falcons, and
: eagles) that prefer to hunt along the same
: ridge lines that are ideal for wind turbines.
: ○Hawks, falcons, and eagles prefer to hunt along ridge lines, where wind
: turbines can kill large numbers of migratory birds.
: ○Wind turbines occasionally cause migratory birds to change their flight
: patterns and therefore may interfere with the areas where birds of prey
: prefer to hunt.
: ○Some of the best locations for large wind farms are places that may cause
: problems for migrating birds and birds of prey.
: ○Large wind farms in certain areas kill hawks, falcons, and eagles and thus
: might create a more ideal path for the flight of migratory birds.
: 答案是C
: 但我覺得B更好
: 請各位幫我解答
: 謝謝

Tags: 英檢

All Comments


Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2011-01-25T22:16
請問一下,若想研究所申請美國的學校留學,除了托福、GRE之外,那在校的成績 是否佔很大的一部份呢?還是要看各校不同而定? 我知道在校成績有分成一些等級,例如幾分到幾分是什麼等之類的, 那到時美國學校在看的時候,還會去注意你是那個等級的幾分嗎?再來是如果有被當 掉的話,之後重修,那被當掉的紀錄還會呈現嗎 ...


Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2011-01-25T17:30
http://news.laoluo.org/blogs/news/archives/205.aspx 這是羅永浩老師巡迴全國的演講,大家可以了解一下大陸的留學補教生態 跟台灣越來越像,選留學補習班上課前可以聽一下XD - ...

成績加發的department code

Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2011-01-25T16:20
在加發成績的時候 通常填寫institution code是沒有問題的 但遇到有學校會列出department code 我卻找不到位置填寫耶 例如西北的medill school給的TOEFL code是1699-18 填1699是沒問題 但是遇到department,我看到都是用下拉式選單 我也沒辦法 ...


Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2011-01-25T10:45
剛剛線上報名今年2月初的托福考試 結過按下buy之後就離開頁面 但是我看我的view order卻是no pay order to display 請問我到底成功報名了嗎? 謝謝 - ...

12/19 成績單

Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2011-01-25T01:33
話說有沒有人收到了阿~~ 這次是不是拖得比較久阿 在沒收到的話就要延後半年入學了~and#34;~ - ...