一起用skype練習英文2-3人 - 自學

Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2006-06-12T12:06

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I am looking for someone who is interested in improveing oral english to
join the group which is about 2 to 3 people. Hopefully, the one who join
the group can have meduim or above level ability. We can discuss
any topic from CNN, Advanced or TV shows. Of course, any other interesting
topics are welcomed.

I am not a student, and it would better to have the class at night.
Please mail me it you are interested.

Tags: 自學

All Comments

Re: 徵:一起練英文會話的伙伴(台北)

Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2006-06-11T22:58
※ 引述《ap22 (^^)》之銘言: : 剛畢業.在社會上工作才發現英文太重要了. : 有心想加強英文會話. : 故希望可以找到有志一同的伙伴. : 每天可以持續英文對話一小時(不停止). : 覺得應該可以進步很多吧~^^ : ●條件:只要中等程度基本會話即可.且有心想持續加強. : ●徵求人數:不限(如果 ...


Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2006-06-11T20:49
http://www.books.com.tw/exep/prod/booksfile.php?item=0010171814 千萬別學英語 Absolutely don’t study English 作者:鄭贊容 譯者:李貞嬌 出版社:遠流 出版日期:2005 年 04 月 16 日 語言別:繁體中文 ...


Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2006-06-11T17:26
「千萬別學英語」最近似乎挺熱的, 最近打算開始好好學日語, 但對這領域的資源不是很熟悉, 不知有心得的版友們能否推薦一下聽力教材的部份? 先行感謝~ - ...


Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2006-06-11T02:36
可以+1嗎` 不過我大三生......英文程度沒很好 不過也很想學好英文 我也新竹人~ 有進行消息的話也mail給我一份吧^^ 感恩 ※ 引述《joycemu (Del Piero Go !!)》之銘言: : : ◆ From: : : 推 willybun:atatand#34 ...


Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2006-06-10T21:37
增加英文閱讀能力與字彙量 ! 書名:Time雜誌 2005到2006年都有 欲售:一本25元  書況: 良好 買多本可議價 可面交、請回站內信箱 - ...