一起學英文 - 嘉義

Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2014-03-13T12:46

Table of Contents

1. 1. 自介:Hello! everyone

2. 對像:Anyone wants to improve his/her English.

3. 目標:Building vocabulary,imporve oral speak...etc.

4. 地點:around 朴子(in 朴子,太保 or六腳)

5. 時間:depend on the partners(We can discuss about it late)

6. 方式:learning English in interesting ways
If you want to learn more vocabulary, bring your material
to the group. I or other partners can read for you, then
you try to spell. We also need to make sentences with the

If you want to improve your oral skill,you can read the
articles for us.And then partners need to try write down.
Or we can choose some patterns of the sentences to practice.
(Practice make perfect)

^_^,If you have any ideas to learn English , join the group
and discuss with us.

7. 範圍:You can bring any English material to the group.
Or jsut choose the material in the library.
(I hope that the study group will be hold in the library.)

8. 人數限制:3~4

9.解散條件:Learning English is boring or stressful in the group.

10.運作規則:Practice make perfect.So I consider that we just practice more
often, we will improve our Englsih.

Learning needs long time, so it's sometimes boring.
I think that we can use fun ways to learn.
Be my partners and learn English with fun.
(We can dicuss about running the group. Don't be so serious)

Tags: 嘉義

All Comments

Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2014-03-17T19:23
Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2014-03-22T01:59
Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2014-03-26T08:35
錯字 文法錯誤蠻多的@_@"
Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2014-03-30T15:11
Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2014-04-03T21:48
看完之後覺得 所以才要學嘛XD
Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2014-04-08T04:24
還有 是對"象" (默
Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2014-04-12T11:00
Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2014-04-16T17:36
拜託你先改好標題吧!!XD 應該要加上 [徵求] 標題
Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2014-04-21T00:13
Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2014-04-25T06:49
Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2014-04-29T13:25


Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2014-03-13T00:13
發問前,記得先按 z 到精華區查詢相關問題,或是按 / 搜尋板上文章喔! ------------------------------------------------------------------ 各位鄉親好 小妹預計5月下旬要至瑞里賞螢,但對地圖不熟悉,煩請鄉親協助過目行程如下: Day1(5/ ...


Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2014-03-12T22:25
綠 豆 鄉 民 情 報 局 搶 鮮! 健保署這3/15(六)在嘉義高商有辦健走活動 活動從早上7:40開始 健走路線從嘉義高商至嘉義公園 當然還有摸彩活動 獎品有捷安特腳踏車、血壓計、籃球、保溫杯、咖啡壺等等 現場還有許多健康方面的諮詢服務 如:4癌篩檢(大腸癌、子宮頸癌、口腔癌及乳癌)、用 ...


Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2014-03-12T22:00
各位綠豆好, 有人知道中正大學附近賣鹹酥雞的財哥跑去哪裡了嗎?? 過年前休息到現在 開學了都還沒營業,有人知道怎麼回事嗎? - ...


Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2014-03-12T21:49
最近打算回學校一趟 需要租一台歐兜賣代步 雖然在嘉義待了4年 但對於租機車這塊完全不熟呀 所以想問問各位綠豆andamp;曾經在火車站附近租過機車的捧由 有沒有推薦的店家呢 剛剛爬了一些文還是沒有答案 上網打關鍵字找不到相關的評價 還請各位幫個忙! 謝謝!! - ...

嘉義 手在披薩

Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2014-03-12T21:30
綠 豆 王 國 美 食 鑑 定 團 餐廳名稱:手在披薩 詳細地址:嘉義市忠義街129-1號 電 話:05-2231995   營業時間:一~五 12:00~15:00 六~日 12:00~16:00   一~四、日 17:00~21:30 五~六 17:00 ...