一橋研究生審查結果 - 留學

By Victoria
at 2006-12-14T02:24
at 2006-12-14T02:24
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※ 引述《rahon (就讓我辜負你一次,拍謝ꄩ》之銘言:
: 聽說出願某些科系的人已經有收到留學課的通知了,
: 我出願商科,但是還沒有收到,很緊張的寫信去問留學生課了,
: 留學生課的回答大意如下:
: 商科的老師很忙,而且出願的人數很多,所以要多花一些時間,
: 目前老師已經在進行審查了,大約還要一個星期,
: 有結果的話,一定會儘快通知。
: 跟有出願一橋商科的人分享一下,請別緊張繼續等待吧~
Sorry for using Eg.....my god damm poor English:~~
now I am studying at Hitotsubashi University
and major in managemant.
If there is anyone who has decided to come to Hitotsubashi
please let us know.
Maybe we can give you some information that you need.
any question will be fine.....I will try my best..
just send a mail to my PTT mail box....
Good Luck!! everyone~
: 聽說出願某些科系的人已經有收到留學課的通知了,
: 我出願商科,但是還沒有收到,很緊張的寫信去問留學生課了,
: 留學生課的回答大意如下:
: 商科的老師很忙,而且出願的人數很多,所以要多花一些時間,
: 目前老師已經在進行審查了,大約還要一個星期,
: 有結果的話,一定會儘快通知。
: 跟有出願一橋商科的人分享一下,請別緊張繼續等待吧~
Sorry for using Eg.....my god damm poor English:~~
now I am studying at Hitotsubashi University
and major in managemant.
If there is anyone who has decided to come to Hitotsubashi
please let us know.
Maybe we can give you some information that you need.
any question will be fine.....I will try my best..
just send a mail to my PTT mail box....
Good Luck!! everyone~
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