一些些toeic問題 - 自學

John avatar
By John
at 2006-12-11T20:15

Table of Contents

※ 引述《thinges (ewewew)》之銘言:
: 1.The board reported that it _____ a good decision to find a new director.
: A) was B) be C) is D) were
: Ans: A I chose: B
: 我忘了什麼時候(哪些動詞之後)可以用原形動詞,可以幫我補充嗎?

→report that S (should) 原形動詞,所以這邊要用"be"

: 2.The survey indicates profits are up; business _______.
: A) is being good B) were good C) good D) has been good
: Ans: D I chose: A
: I don't know why.

: 3._______ and check out the competition.
: A) Look out B) Look for C) Look around D) Look through
: Ans: B I chose: D
→A)小心 B)尋找 C)四處看 D)識破

4.Now the most considerate worker, he was considered rudest
: ----------------A ------B
: a little more than two years ago .
: -------C --------D
: Ans: B
: B)rudest->ruder ,但是我不懂a little的用法
→a little, still, far, much可以用來修飾比較級

: 5.His efforts, which he claims are his best,
: -----------A
: would he less than satisfactory even to the least demanding
: ---------------------B ------------------C
: person than myself.
: ----------D
: Ans: C I chose :B
: I don't know why.
→這個句子怪怪的,為什麼是"would he..."

: 6.The coldest weather of the decade slowed the shipment,
: ----------A ------------B
: even to the closest desinations,
: ------C
: of the finer produce available.
: ----D
: Ans: D I chose : B
: I don't know why.
→D "finer" should be changed into finest?

: 7.They asked if the products we exported
: ----A ----------B
: must have been tested next year and
: -------------C
: if we were worried about future problems
: -----------D
: Ans: C
→must have been要改成 must be,must have p.p表示對過去事實的推測,

: I don't know why.
: 8.It will be discovered that the reservation
: ------A
: should not have been made; consequently, it
: ------------------------B
: was decided that the agent would be reprimanded.
: ----------C -------------------D
: Ans: A
: A) will be-> would be??.
→我也覺得要改成would be,這樣時態才會統一。
: 9.Technological advancements and the demand for
: -------------------------A
: new services have created competition in
: -----------B
: the next frontier: the space.
: ----------------C --------D
: Ans: D
: I don't know why.

: 10.After receiving a hospital bill, the patient questioned
: --------------A
: an error in the charges and received
: -------B ----------C
: the reimbursement from the hospital.
: ----------------D
: Ans: D
: 是不是不用the?
: 11.Former vice president, Ms. Alford, had surveyed the field
: --------------------A --------B
: and found opportunities in the competition's markets.
: ------------C ------------------------D
: Ans: C
: 是不是要the.

→要加the,後面"the competition's markets"有加the,表示找到在這些具有競爭力市場

: Thanks for your instruction!

Tags: 自學

All Comments

Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2006-12-14T01:07
第一題答案是A吧^^a report應該不是這類動詞吧^^"
Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2006-12-14T19:40
第二題答案是A沒錯 用D表示已經或是某種經驗 不合題
Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2006-12-19T10:34
我覺得第二題是D..@@..A在文法中算有贅字,D感覺很合理 XD
Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2006-12-23T11:56
Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2006-12-26T07:32
Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2006-12-29T11:47
我現在仔細看了一下 A也是對的
Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2007-01-01T05:24
因為如果只是指profit的結果 用A也是可以
D的話也可以被接受 因為的確可以說生意一直都是好的


Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2006-12-11T18:57
1.活用圖解英文法 陳啟賢 陳明亮 2.專門替中國人寫的英文基本文法 李家同 3. Basic English Grammar 一系列 4. English Grammar in Use 一系列 5. Foucs on Grammar 一系列 以上這些是我這2年來 看大家爬文 和推薦的一些文法書 ...


Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2006-12-11T18:26
※ 引述《nneekkoo (成功只是過程而不是終點)》之銘言: : 能不能請問讀過他書的人 是好在哪 一開始大家很推薦這個文法書的時候 我到書局翻翻 還不太想買的說 因為覺得好多字喔 不像其它家的文法書 就列幾個表格出來 一目了然 但這些表格 對我而言真的很難背 因為我對文法的印像 還是停留在死背 從 ...

Toeic 文法討論 day.1 (解答對照)

David avatar
By David
at 2006-12-11T16:42
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Toeic 文法討論 day.1

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at 2006-12-11T16:28
1. The ode was original a ceremonial poem written to celebrate public A B C occasions or exalted subjects. ...

Longman Preparation Series for the TOEIC Test購書問題

Charlie avatar
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at 2006-12-11T16:06
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