一些些toeic問題 - 自學

Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2006-12-11T04:14

Table of Contents

1.The board reported that it _____ a good decision to find a new director.
A) was B) be C) is D) were
Ans: A I chose: B

2.The survey indicates profits are up; business _______.
A) is being good B) were good C) good D) has been good
Ans: D I chose: A
I don't know why.

3._______ and check out the competition.
A) Look out B) Look for C) Look around D) Look through
Ans: B I chose: D

4.Now the most considerate worker, he was considered rudest
----------------A ------B
a little more than two years ago .
-------C --------D
Ans: B
B)rudest->ruder ,但是我不懂a little的用法

5.His efforts, which he claims are his best,
would he less than satisfactory even to the least demanding
---------------------B ------------------C
person than myself.
Ans: C I chose :B
I don't know why.

6.The coldest weather of the decade slowed the shipment,
----------A ------------B
even to the closest desinations,
of the finer produce available.
Ans: D I chose : B
I don't know why.

7.They asked if the products we exported
----A ----------B
must have been tested next year and
if we were worried about future problems
Ans: C
I don't know why.

8.It will be discovered that the reservation
should not have been made; consequently, it
was decided that the agent would be reprimanded.
----------C -------------------D
Ans: A
A) will be-> would be??.

9.Technological advancements and the demand for
new services have created competition in
the next frontier: the space.
----------------C --------D
Ans: D
I don't know why.

10.After receiving a hospital bill, the patient questioned
an error in the charges and received
-------B ----------C
the reimbursement from the hospital.
Ans: D

11.Former vice president, Ms. Alford, had surveyed the field
--------------------A --------B
and found opportunities in the competition's markets.
------------C ------------------------D
Ans: C

Thanks for your instruction!

Tags: 自學

All Comments

Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2006-12-15T12:59
Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2006-12-18T00:16
Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2006-12-19T09:21
A)小心 B)追尋 C)左顧右盼 D)識破
Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2006-12-24T04:10
尋求競爭並且通過測驗~ 不知道這樣翻會不會怪怪的
Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2006-12-25T08:07
Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2006-12-28T21:50
report後面要圓型V的話 後面應該要加to 不過這題句型不븠
Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2006-12-31T02:01


Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2006-12-10T09:01
在板上潛水一陣子之後,發現板友對旋元佑的文法推崇有加 (但聽說已經很難買到旋元佑的文法書了) 想請問各位板友對賴世雄的文法書評價如何? 另外,想請問若要準備TOEIC,賴世雄有出一套TOEIC的叢書 只讀那些就夠了嗎?還是有其他更完備的補充教材? 在此先謝過回答問題的板友,感激不盡 - ...


Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2006-12-09T15:42
我從來沒有報考過toeic 我想請問 用網路報名比較方便(包含繳錢) 還是 用通信報名 謝謝 - ...


Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2006-12-09T13:01
板上的各位大家好~ 我想要徵求英檢中高級複試的題庫 - ...

Re: 關於10/29的TOEIC

Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2006-12-09T00:14
感覺多益的閱讀常常會讓人有嚇到的成績出來 是不是都有很多陷井在阿 ??? 我上次也是以為寫得不錯 結果分數出來很糟糕 ............... ※ 引述《YingTK (CRUSH)》之銘言: : 今天收到成績單了 : 聽力470 閱讀................................ ...

toeic 自學

Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2006-12-08T15:42
如題, 相信版上目前還是以多益的自學為大多數, 因為小弟目前也是在準備多益, 所以有個想法提出來大家討論看看, 我會每天打十題文法選擇 or 改錯題上來版上 然後大家一起推文討論, 這樣子大家覺得怎麼樣呢? 如果有超過二十個人推的話,就從星期一開始實施好了。 之所以不在英文版是考慮風氣的問題, ...