What is the best way to prepare for English Oral Test? - 自學

Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2007-11-18T01:08

Table of Contents

Speaking English is always a nightmare of Taiwanese students.
The root cause is not the learning approach per se, but the attitude instead.
If you have a right attitude toward learning English, then the process of your
learning will be more smooth and effective.

Here I want to share my experience in learning English with those who are
interested in it. The best way to learn a language (not only English) is
to use it in your dailiy life. To image that you have to survive in a
soceity where you can't say anythign but English. Try to create
a situation under which you can not but use the language. Then you will
feel that your English listening ability is improving, so is your speaking.

Jsut speak English every day then you will find something different!

Give me a call over Skype: Englishspeaker2008
Let's brush up our English together!

Tags: 自學

All Comments

Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2007-11-22T21:25
1. 你說的不是新的東西了
Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2007-11-27T00:57
2. 這裡不是英文版 要人家學英文前請寫中文比較尊重人吧
3. 你這個文章更適合到StudyGroup去po
Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2007-11-28T08:01
Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2007-12-01T21:04
別理他 讀書會板有人說他是推銷網路課程的
Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2007-12-02T07:59
手誤 是Study"Group"
Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2007-12-04T11:24
proof-reading is a must.....


Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2007-11-17T23:15
※ 引述《honkkii (kiki)》之銘言: : 有些英文歌聽到我還蠻喜歡的,也想要瞭解他的歌詞意思,但是大部分的英文歌名 : 我都不知道說 : 想藉機增進英文的能力,請問要如何同時取的這些資訊的集合呢?? : 就包括歌曲,歌詞以及翻譯呢?? : 謝謝 http://www.azlyrics.com/ ...


Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2007-11-17T14:58
※ 引述《kfsfat (kfsfat)》之銘言: : 版規已經說了 : 有關TOEIC問題請到TOEIC版... : TOEIC版已經開了一段時間,還是有人跑來這邊問問題 : 建議大家 : 有關英文的問題,可以到英文版上去 : 有關TOEIC的問題,可以到英文版以及TOEIC版去 : 也許標題下的很重, : ...


Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2007-11-17T14:55
版規已經說了 有關TOEIC問題請到TOEIC版... TOEIC版已經開了一段時間,還是有人跑來這邊問問題 建議大家 有關英文的問題,可以到英文版上去 有關TOEIC的問題,可以到英文版以及TOEIC版去 也許標題下的很重, 其實目的只是想讓大家知道,尊重一下這是自學版 不是給大家來討論英文的版 另外 ...


Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2007-11-17T11:44
有礙於自己的程度並不是很好 可以麻煩大家幫我翻一下這題 以及為何答案選C 而不是D Hopeing to repeat the success of the previous yearand#39;s sales _______, the vice president held a meeting of al ...


Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2007-11-17T11:10
因為之前有版友有放「六人行」的中文劇本在網上 這樣有助學英文 但是請問「慾望城市」也有一到六季所又的劇本放在網站上嗎? 不然我就算有片子看也要一直暫停抄英文句子 天啊!半小時的一集就可能要花很多時間了! 請問該上那找慾望城市的英劇本呢? 謝謝! - ...