TPO8 listening Part2 Lecture 2 - 英檢

Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2010-01-04T17:59

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有關TPO8 lecture 2 第10題 排序時間的題目
為什麼 Inexpensive eyeglasses became available 是排在第二個呢?
不是越多人有閱讀的需求,才有inexpensive eyeglasses 出現嗎?

Suddenly, book became widely available and more prople wanted to read.

So, the need, oh well, actually not only the need but the demand for

more affordable glasses rose drastically. Eventually, inexpensive glasses

were produced, and then glasses were available to everyone.

教授不是講說最後 inexpensive glasses were produced 嗎?

Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2010-01-06T12:25
妳的答案應該是另一個版本的 我有別的版本我覺得是對的
Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2010-01-09T02:27
1.first eyeglasses were made 2. printing press
3. The number of people interested in reading
Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2010-01-11T21:43
4. Inexpensive eyeglasses became available
Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2010-01-14T02:56
原來還有分版本哦! 謝謝你哦!!^^


Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2010-01-04T17:09
我預計1/16參加ibt考試 打算這兩週到美加做2~3次的上機模考 我看之前板友團報只到12月底 因此我想問問是否 有板友預計揪人報名美加模考 或是願意轉讓兩至三次美加模考給我 我預計參加有含作文批改的模考 價錢與交易方式可再討論 若有意願者請回信到我信箱 非常謝謝! - ...


Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2010-01-04T01:24
各位大大: 我最近要報名托福,但ETS要求我更改密碼。 但我改完後,頁面還是一直叫我更改。 到底是為什麼阿? 另外,下面有一個security question是什麼阿? 他直接就幫我選好題目,且答案也幫我打上去拉!! ETS到底要我幹嘛阿!! 請各位幫我解答八!! THX........ - ...


Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2010-01-03T20:35
剛剛發現黃金閱讀又有新版了 新加了TPO 10~13 所以從黃金38 升級成 黃金53 有需要者可以自行下載哦 (請擇一下載) 1. 訊6: 2. BDG: 大家一起打敗ET$吧!! ...


Una avatar
By Una
at 2010-01-03T20:33
這次考試獨立 G, 整合F. 總分25. 想針對整合再加把勁. 請問一下各位板友的經驗. 模板我是參照xination and wayshawn兩位的分享 (謝謝兩位!) 對於模板結構我沒有問題. 每次也能掰到300字以上. 之前考一次TPO拿30. 不過我知道有點扯, 電腦評分應該只針對 獨立. 整合的點 ...


Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2010-01-03T19:13
請問一下現在ETS系統有開放托福報名嗎?! 因為我已經從早上試到現在都進不去... 在選擇了register online之後 出現這個訊息... and#34;The TOEFL web site is currently not available for registration. Please ...