TPO50聽力conversation1第三題答案 - 英檢

Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2018-01-20T20:16

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請問tpo50的conversation的答案有沒有錯誤 我是在托福小站練習的 第三題覺得很奇怪
What does the woman imply about the construction plans? Click on 2 answers
A. They cannot be changed at this point.

B. It is unfortunate that they were approved.

C. They have been changed several times already.

D. They were not approved until very recently.

Student: Right! So I mean, we got five more weeks of classes left, and we
were really wondering how much longer they are going to be working on that
particular wall. Because maybe it’s going to be a while.Do you think they
could maybe work on a different side of the building for now, one that's not
facing people’s dorm rooms, and wait until the students are gone? To come
back and finish this side? I mean, that way the dust and noise won’t be
coming directly into our windows while we are here.

Teacher: You know, I wish it weren’t being done this way and it doesn’t
make sense. But……this particular decision was made by a special committee
and their plan was finalized several months ago. They just didn’t realize
there would be students in Robert’s Hall now.

重點應該是teacher這段話 was finanlized several months ago. 這段可以直接對應recently嗎?
B選項應該也可以對應到I wish it weren’t being done this way and it doesn’t
make sense吧?

Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2018-01-25T06:11
我的理解是 我也希望這是錯的 但是委員會這幾個月做出
Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2018-01-27T22:33
但 這是委員會的最後決定


Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2018-01-18T20:51
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