TPO5 獨立寫作 - 英檢

Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2010-12-30T19:14

Table of Contents

People today spend too much time on personal enjoyment--
doing things they like---rather doing things they should do.

In the era of the pursuit of personal happiness,
a handful of people maintain the idea that a majority of people
overlook their responsibilities for the whole society asserting
that people today concentrate exclusively on money and power.
Their opinion is extremely plausible.
Nevertheless, from my perspective,
individuals nowadays are always paying enough attention to the public area
especially considering the two aspects of the enterprise of charity
and the invest of the public facilities.

Initially, one issue encouraging me to hold on to the opinion lies in that
a plethora of affluent people donate their part or whole wealth to the poor
students and children. To illustrate my viewpoint,
I cannot think of a better example than Bill Gates.
It is universally acknowledged that Bill Gates is at the top of the list of
the millionaires. On the other hand, he is also the kindest person all over
the world. He established a funding that helps the children in Africa with
AIDS and the students in Chinese rural places in a form of Hope Project.
As we can see, not only does Bill Gates concentrate on the computer programs,
but also he devotes himself to the charity.

Lending even more credibility to my point of view is that
most of the facilities were built with the assistance of the millionairess.
Few would dispute that the merchants play decisive roles
in the development of American university education.
It is because of their donation that countless excellent universities
and colleges stand in America currently. Had it been not for the help,
the United States would not have been the strongest country in the world.
In addition, they invest considerable number of hospitals,
parks and cinemas. As a result, residents benefit deeply in the advanced

Admittedly, there are still some people chasing the material nowadays
and they ignore others' miserable situations and conditions.
However, they take up a tiny percentage of the population
and they can represent the whole society by no means.

Taking all above into deliberate consideration,
I am inclined to maintain that a majority of individuals emphasize the common
pursuit of human despite the minority people's for personal happiness.

※ 引述《orthopt (昂首闊步武陵人)》之銘言:
: People today spend too much time on personal enjoyment--doing things they like
: to do--rather than doing things they should do.
: 這要如何破題..我沒有頭緒
: 謝謝


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Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2011-01-04T13:20

TPO5 獨立寫作

Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2010-12-30T16:55
People today spend too much time on personal enjoyment--doing things they like to do--rather than doing things they should do. 這要如何破題..我沒有頭緒 謝謝 -- 1 ˇHat ...


Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2010-12-30T15:58
感謝各位的分享與建議 雖然最近每天忙到凌晨三點 我會盡量撥時間出來找回英文的語感 最近學校正式公文下來了 交申請資料日期變成是2/8....越來越早Orz 而且費用越來越高比去年多了100歐元!!(最近不是台幣走強嗎?) 所以只剩1/22那一場可以考 希望大家都可以考得很好! - ...


Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2010-12-30T10:00
想請問一下 我有tpo了 可是寫作都沒有音檔 哪裡會有音檔呢???? 或是其他整合寫作的練習 最近想練習 都無從練起!!! 因為一月就要考了 好緊張呀~~ 懇請 大大們分享一下!! - ...

TPO19 Reading 托福新手~新多指教

Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2010-12-30T00:39
小弟我覺得Word格式的TPO比較方便 所以開始整理了一些TPO的試題 將會不定時分享給大家 我現在還是托福準備的新手 也有計畫出國留學 日後應該會有很多問題 請大家多多指教 一起加油打敗ET$萬惡的TOFEL - ...


Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2010-12-29T21:37
最近再找tpo 可是4,11,14,15的reading 都一直找不到 可不可以有人好心寄給我~感激~ 如果有tpo18以後的, 我也會很謝謝你的:) 大家一起加油吧:D - ...