TPO35 閱讀兩題請益 - 英檢

Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2015-06-19T16:18

Table of Contents


The greater reliability of food supplies was a factor in the decline of urban
death rates. Even more important were the gains in urban sanitation, as well
as measures such as inspection of housing. Reformers, including enlightened
doctors, began to study the causes of high death rates and to urge
remediation. Even before the discovery of germs, beliefs that disease spread
by "miasmas" (noxious forms of bad air) prompted attention to sewers and open
garbage; Edwin Chadwick led an exemplary urban crusade for underground sewers
in England in the 1830s. Gradually, public health provisions began to cut
into customary urban mortality rates. By 1900, in some parts of
Western,Europe life expectancy in the cities began to surpass that of the
rural areas. Industrial societies had figured out ways to combine large and
growing cities with population growth, a development that would soon spread
to other parts of the world.


(1) Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 6 about underground
(A)They became common in most of Western Europe in the 1830s.
(B)They helped reduce deaths caused by disease in cities.
(C)They led to the discovery that disease could be caused by germs.
(D)They encouraged people to leave rural areas and move to the cities.





Tags: 英檢

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9/14 TOEFL-iBT一戰112分(美加心得)代PO

Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2015-06-18T14:04
原PO無帳號,故代PO 個人資料 《TOEFL-iBT應考日期及成績》09/14 一戰 112分 《求學背景》 崇光女中 《英文能力敘述》 全民英檢中級通過、大學學測15級分 《考試身份》 全職考生 《考場地點》 板橋地球村 《準備時間》 一年 《準備教材》 美加講義 ...


Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2015-06-17T10:52
631.deposit v. 放置;沉積 accumulate v. 積累;聚積 632.deposit v. 放置;沉積 lay v. 放下 633.depress ...

6/6 四戰 自修 99分

Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2015-06-17T03:32
(日期 及 分數) 6/6 99分 (求學背景) 中興獸醫系畢業 (英文能力) 不知 以前聯考沒學測 但聯考有過高標 (考試身分) 目前在美國當獸醫助理,邊工作邊準備考試 (考試地點) 美國加州考場 (準備時間) 大約四個月 (準備教材) TPO模擬軟體 and ...


Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2015-06-17T00:11
先前有在GRE版詢問過該先準備GRE及托福的問題 看完大部分人的建議還是覺得先準備托福會比較好 由於本身英文程度不是很好 我也沒有參加過英文檢定的考試 因為之後暑假也能有比較大量的時間可以準備所以我是想去補習 我是想問問看 選擇去補習的話 如果說程度不是很好直接去補習的話會不會很吃力呢? 我是有去幾間補 ...


Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2015-06-16T15:23
大家好 我其實不是要考托福 而是要準備國家考試 當中的英文字彙是托福等級 可是文章長度像是學測/指考而已(文章篇幅大約半面A4 或不到) 爬了文章 托福字彙大約是12000~15000(如有錯誤請指正) 所以高中的閱讀測驗對我也不太夠用 去書店翻過 有些書也不會說自己的字彙難度在哪... ...