tpo30 聽力 Oviraptor - 英檢

Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2016-05-05T11:11

Table of Contents

Question 4

What does the professor imply about crocodiles?

A. They provide fewer clues about dinosaur nesting behavior than birds do.
B. They share many behavioral characteristic with birds like the ostrich and
C. They have larger clutch volumes than most dinosaurs had.
D. The female and the male work together to guard their nest.




Well, first they looked at clutch volume, that's the number of eggs in the
nest of crocodiles, birds and three types of dinosaurs, including Oviraptors
that are thought to be closely related to the dinosaur ancestors of birds.
So when researchers examined fossilized remains of nests, they found that
the dinosaurs had larger clutch volumes, more eggs in the nests that is, than
most of the crocodiles and birds that were studied.

But, and this is important, their clutch volumes matched those of birds
that have only male parental care.
You see, bird species in which only the males take care of the nest tend
to have the largest clutches of eggs.

Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2016-05-06T00:41
內文只有介紹鳥的nesting behavior,而沒有介紹恐龍的

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