TPO30-3閱讀 - 英檢

Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2015-08-30T10:39

Table of Contents


2. According to paragraph 2, all of the following are examples of the
importance of timekeeping to medieval European society EXCEPT
A the need of different towns to coordinate timekeeping with each other
B the setting of specific times for the opening and closing of markets
C the setting of specific time for the start and finish of the working day
D the regulation of the performance of daily church rituals


可是我覺得A可以對應到原文"And then the new cities and towns, squeezed by their walls, had to know and
order time in order to organize collective activity and ration space"


Medieval Europe gave new importance to reliable time. The Catholic Church had
its seven daily prayers, one of which was at night, requiring an alarm
arrangement to waken monks before dawn. And then the new cities and towns,
squeezed by their walls, had to know and order time in order to organize
collective activity and ration space. They set a time to go to sleep,to open
the market ,to close the market ,to leave work ,and finally a time to put out
fires and to go to sleep. All this was compatible with older devices so long
as there was only one authoritative timekeeper; but with urban growth and the
multiplication of time signals, discrepancy brought discord and strife.
Society needed a more dependable instrument of time measurement and found it
in the mechanical clock.

Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2015-09-01T16:34
原文指舉辦共同活動, A指的是一起合作計時
Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2015-09-03T12:35
習統一,但是A選項是說讓不同城鎮(different towns)
,你可能是被collective這字騙了,但是從squeezed b
y their walls 這句可以知道是各城管各城的事,和別
Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2015-09-06T18:47

J2TOEFL 8/30字彙題預測

Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2015-08-27T18:09
同學們好, J2TOEFL 8/30 字彙題預測出爐囉! 統一考試當週禮拜四上傳! 共一百個單字,考試同學把握時間複習喔! 下週考試同學也可以先預習! 難字用黃色標記,同學特別注意喔! 歡迎加入FB社團後至檔案區免費下載: ...


Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2015-08-27T15:19
大家好,最近課業上需要考TOEFL 想請問大家,在準備的過程中, 有沒有推薦的 中、英文單字查詢字典(最好有提供例句、用法) 在爬文過程中,都是直接針對學習性的APP 所以上來發問一下,有沒有推薦的 英文單字 字典!! 感謝 -- 台灣科大 神手路過 台科大大門口頓生信心 ◢◣ ∣● ...


Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2015-08-27T12:41
之後有想要申請出國交換 所以最近想要開始準備托福 在板上也爬了蠻多心得文跟推薦用書了 自己已經先買了OG,然後想再買一本單字書 目前看到蠻多人推薦托福分類字彙 只是價錢有點令人卻步 畢竟考完之後好像也用不太到atat 而且報名跟買完OG之後沒什麼錢了QAQ 不過自己有找到有網站居然可以租借這本 ...


George avatar
By George
at 2015-08-27T11:49
931. extant a. 現存的;尚存的 existing a. 現存的 932. extant a. 現存的;尚存的 not extinc ...


Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2015-08-27T10:50
有問老師但老師好像也不是很確定 想問問看最近有考過托福的大大們 考口說時 題目會出現在螢幕上 並有人聲朗讀一次 當我在回答時 螢幕上的題目還會保留嗎?? 因為實力還不夠 在開頭或結語時會想引用題目上的字詞 如果題目不見了可能得另想辦法記了 - ...