TPO3 Architecture - 英檢

Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2011-04-05T16:30

Table of Contents

Paragraph 5:

▊ Modern architectural forms generally have three separate components
comparable to elements of the human body; a supporting skeleton or frame,
an outer skin enclosing the interior spaces, equipment, similar to the
body's vital organs and systems. ▊ The equipment includes plumbing,
electrical wiring, hot water, and air-conditioning. ▊ Of course in early
architecture─such as igloos and adobe structures─there was no such
equipment, and the skeleton and skin were often one. ▊

12. Look at the four squates (▊) that indicate where the following
sentence could be added to the passage.

However, some modern architectural designs, such as those using
folded plates of concreter or air-inflated structuresm are again
unifying skeleton and skin.


Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2011-04-08T01:02
選項 "again" unifying skeleton and skin. 所以前面應
Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2011-04-12T04:20
Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2011-04-12T13:14

五戰 62=>94

Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2011-04-04T22:30
第一戰 10/31/2010 R:20 L:08 S:17(LFL) W:17(LF) Total:62 第二戰 11/28/2010 R:22 L:17 S:18(FFL) W:22(FG) Total:79 第三戰 02/26/2011 R:26 L:18 S:19(FLF) W:20(FF) Total ...

台中火車站附近的補習班 哪間好?

Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2011-04-04T20:51
因為工作需要 打算考托福 想請問台中火車站附近(包括後站) 有比較推薦的嗎? 像是:戴爾 美加 翔宇 亞聖 我比較在意寫作的部份 希望不要有教模組套公式的 還有能提供我多次模擬練習的 另外阿~最近去書店翻了不少書 關於背單字的書 ㄧ定要買上面有and#34;托福XXXand#34;等字樣的嗎? 如 ...


Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2011-04-04T18:07
我目前的閱讀大約20分上下 希望可以衝到25 我想主要因素是長句看不懂或是看很慢 以致題目作不完. 單字量還勉強OK 我上了登峰劉增榮的寫作, 覺得對句型有較清楚的認識 也蠻喜歡劉老師的上法 我之前上了王靖的閱讀4堂, 覺得進步有限, 想轉上旋元佑的閱讀或劉增榮的閱讀(已爬文) 但劉老師的閱讀資料較少 ...


Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2011-04-04T18:05
雖然文章的幫助不多,但還是來分享了。 請大家多多指教 碎碎念: 真的是自食惡果耶我,都考完將近半年心得網誌都還沒打完 所以現在突然有點難以下筆,不過我會盡量做到最好! 口說的篇幅應該會在一篇結束,而且老實說我只準備了6天左右,更確切來說是and#34;6次的 TPOand#34;。 因為只能用不長的 ...


Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2011-04-04T17:16
我昨天去寰宇問補托福的價錢 居然說6月要漲價 可是我現在在當兵 我怎麼可能現在就補 他們就說可以先5月底前預報 這樣就可以還是用現在的價錢 問題是我還沒決定啊 重點是 我深刻體驗到南部學生的可悲 其他家補習班我也都去問過 實在是... 應該還是會報寰宇 只是漲價這件事對我實在是天大的壞消息 我應該現在就報嗎 ...