tpo28 閱讀 Groundwater - 英檢

Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2016-06-01T23:59

Table of Contents

According to paragraph 2, what is the relationship between permeability and

A The more pores a rock has, the higher its porosity but the lower its
B Rocks with many internal spaces that are not connected with each other will
have high porosity but low permeability.
C If water flows through a rock easily, it has high permeability but low
D Rocks that have high permeability have high porosity and vice versa.


Groundwater is stored in a variety of rock types. A groundwater reservoir
from which water can be extracted is called an aquifer. We can effectively
think of an aquifer as a deposit of water. Extraction of water depends on two
properties of the aquifer: porosity and permeability. Between sediment grains
are spaces that can be filled with water. This pore space is known as
porosity and is expressed as a percentage of the total rock volume. Porosity
is important for water-storage capacity, but for water to flow through rocks,
the pore spaces must be connected. The ability of water, or other fluids, to
flow through the interconnected pore spaces in rocks is termed permeability.
In the intergranular spaces of rocks, however, fluid must flow around and
between grains in a tortuous path; this winding path causes a resistance to
flow. The rate at which the flowing water overcomes this resistance is
related to the permeability of rock.

Tags: 英檢

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Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2016-06-01T23:12
如題 請問托福閱讀如果考到21左右 然後直接準備gre會差太多嗎? 還是要到25以上才比較適合? 謝謝各位 - ...

名字順序錯誤 更換心得

Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2016-06-01T20:28
正確的順序為何? 照護照上面的ok嗎? - ...


Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2016-06-01T17:36
一個月起薪最少50萬台幣,一個土生土長的台灣男孩(英語蛋學生),如何打敗50000多名申 請者(只錄取34名),進入全球最大投資銀行-摩根史坦利(Morgan Stanley),甚至被老闆派 至華爾街(Wall street),連美國人都趨之若鶩的公司,連美國人室友都跪求他分享面試的 資訊,他,到底是如 ...


Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2016-06-01T12:05
托福版首PO XD 沒收到信 但網站上可以查得到囉 希望大家都有好成績!! - ...


Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2016-06-01T10:45
6/2-6/8登峰美語托福聽力首堂【免費體驗】 如果你: ◆滿手真題,卻沒辦法通透托福高分真諦 ◆前仆後繼,卻老是與門檻分數失之交臂 那麼,請再給自己一堂課的機會,你會找到托福高分的真諦,也會找回面對托福考試的勇氣 ! 【課程資訊】 免費課程:托福聽力(正課首堂一堂) 期間限定:6/2-6/8皆可上課 ...