TPO27 閱讀第三篇 Predator Prey Cycles - 英檢

Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2016-05-24T10:43

Table of Contents

According to paragraph 6, which of the following was true of the hare
population cycle in Krebs’s experiment?

A. The effects of providing food while at the same time introducing predators
cancelled each other, so there was no cycle.
B. The cycle existed when either the food supply was limited or there were
C. There was a cycle when there were no predators and food was supplied.
D. If the hares had places to hide from the lynx, the hare population
increased tenfold and then remained at that level.

♦What causes the predator-prey oscillations? Do increasing number of hares
lead to overharvesting of plants, which in turn results in reduced hare
populations, or do increasing numbers of lynx lead to overharvesting hares?
Field experiments carried out by Charles Krebs and coworkers in 1992 provide
an answer. Krebs investigated experimental plots in Canada’s Yukon territory
that contained hare populations. When food was added to those plots (no food
effect) and predators were excluded (no predator effect) from an experimental
area, hare numbers increased tenfold and stayed there—the cycle was lost.
However, the cycle was retained if either of the factors was allowed to
operate alone: if predators were excluded but food was not added (food effect
alone), or if food was added in the presence of predators (predator effect
alone). Thus both factors can affect the cycle, which, in practice, seems to
be generated by conjunction of the two factors.

答案是A 但我選B

看到考滿分有人說答案應該是B 但也有人說A可以


Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2016-05-29T02:33
我也選B 不知道為何是A
Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2016-05-30T01:28


Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2016-05-23T17:50
個人資料 《TOEFL-IBT應考日期及成績》5/7 一戰 103分 (美加) 《求學背景》 清華大學 經濟學系 《英文能力敘述》 高二多益720分,指考90分 《考試身份》 全職考生 《考場地點》 美加台北考場 《準備時間》 ...


Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2016-05-23T00:49
各位大大好 因為擔心9月份比較靠近申請了 會很多人搶 想要出來之後盡早預定 請問9月份的日期是大約何時會出來? 我知道應該是6月 但有人知道 通常是6月幾號會釋出嗎? 感謝! - ...


Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2016-05-22T23:54
andlt;andlt;TOEFL-ibt應考日期及成績andgt;andgt; 4/23 二戰 106分 andlt;andlt;求學背景andgt;andgt; 國立商科學士畢 andlt;andlt;英文能力敘述andgt;andgt; GMAT680,TOEIC 800 andlt;andlt;考試身 ...

5/26,28 Rachel 聽力、口說 免費進班上課

Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2016-05-22T23:20
各位好, 我是謝忠理老師。5/26、28 (周四、六)是【經典美語】Rachel 老師 的托福聽力與口說新班開課的日子,開放給所有準備托福的同學進班一 起上課。 Rachel 托福聽力課程目標: 四週托福聽力精修課程目的在於幫助學生從分析聽力內容結構,預測出 題方向,精準抓到重點,並善用筆記與組織技巧練習 ...


Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2016-05-22T13:00
剛剛考完試 是在台大語言資源中心 我覺得閱讀偏難尤其是蟲蟲翅膀篇 爆扯 另外兩題順順做沒甚麼印象 聽力整個感覺也比tpo難 好多似是而非的選項 另外也蠻多多重選擇題,一個細節沒聽到就只能亂猜 PS.我的加試出現在第三組口說,鳥類遷徙,大王花,ragtime 口說的題目就相對好回答很多 另外寫作問一下, ...