TPO22-3 閱讀最後一題 - 英檢

Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2013-12-06T08:13

Table of Contents

A. When Allende entered Earth's atmosphere, it broke into thousands of pieces

called chondrites because they look like glassy, black seeds.

B. The mineral content of chondrules suggests that they were probably formed in

isolated regions of the nebula that remained much hotter than the rest.

C. Chondrules are tiny, millimeter-sized drops of silicate materials that

probably formed when lumps of nebular dust were fused at extremely high

temperatures and then quickly cooled.

D. Irregularly shaped inclusions in Allende are composed of minerals that are

resistant to melting and are believed to be the earlest minerals to have

condensed out of the nebula.

E. The matrix that holds the chondrules and inclusions together in Allende

consists mainly of grains of nebular dust that were trapped inside the

meteor before they could be melted.

F. Except for being depleted in volatile elements, chondritic meteorites are

probably very similar in composition to the matter from which planets were


網路上有的答案是給 BEF 有的是給 CDF

字X帝國的橫讀"寶典"則是兩種都有 詳解也寫得文不對題

請問答案到底是哪三個啊 ?

Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2013-12-08T21:35
覺得是BEF (以前做過隕石的研究)

TPO 27以後的閱讀解析?

Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2013-12-05T21:43
找了很久都沒有找到27回以後的閱讀解析, 請問有人有資料嗎? 主要是答案的部分.. 謝謝 - ...

12/21 台北考場

Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2013-12-05T20:41
要轉讓考場哦 0.0 12/21 台北場 有需要的請站內信 會優先讓給未滿80分的同學 讓他們多一個機會圓自己的夢 所以沒有滿80分的同學站內信請附上自己到目前的成績網頁快取 包含現在考過幾次考試 以及 每次考試的分數這些畫面 謝謝 80分以上的也可以來信 如果沒有徵到未滿80分的 我 ...


Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2013-12-05T20:18
由寰宇名師任紹維成立的讀書會 給予願意學習,卻找不到地點,苦無戰友練習的同學們 一起為托福/多益/雅思加油!每週一針對不同主題, 由任紹維團隊雅思8.5高分Rita老師帶您一起來探討 12/9(一)晚上19:00~21:00 主題:英式英文聽力 *考試必考英式口音 *職場上面對英國客戶無往不 ...

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Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2013-12-05T18:54
12/7 字彙題預測 歡迎加入Facebook社團後至檔案區免費下載: 閱讀模擬真題命中,也順利命中單字題喔!! 近兩個月命中情況: 9/14命中 Homer and O ...


Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2013-12-05T14:21
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