TPO21 閱讀 Autobiographical Memory - 英檢

Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2016-01-22T21:31

Table of Contents

Child Development: A Thematic Approach
作者:Danuta Bukatko,Marvin Daehler
是ETS 縮減過的文章


※ 引述《prompter (Qu)》之銘言:
: 第三段
Another suggestion is that 1;33before children can talk about past events in
their lives, they 1;33need to have a reasonable understanding of the self as a
psychological entity. The development of an understanding of the
self 1;33becomes evident between the first and second years of life and shows rapid
elaboration in subsequent years. The realization that the physical self has
continuity in time, according to this hypothesis,
1;33lays the foundation for the emergence of autobiographical memory.

1. 時間 , 順序
2. 因果
3. 比較
4. 優缺點
5. 強調
的路標 之後 通常都有重要訊息

: 題目是:
: According to paragraph 3, what is the relationship between autobiographical
: memory and the development of an understanding of the self?
: A
: Autobiographical memory aids in the development of an understanding of the
: self.
aid + 受詞 + in + 名詞

A 選項的意義是 Autobiographical memory
幫助了the development of an understanding of the self

: B
: Children possess an understanding of the self when they can talk about past
: events in their lives.

: C
: The realization that the self continues through time may aid in the onset
: of autobiographical memory.
lays the foundation for

the development of an understanding of the self

emergence of autobiographical memory

1. 方向: development of an understanding of the self 是 
     emergence of autobiographical memory 的因素之一 

2. lays the foundation for 成為...的基礎
 只是基石之一  所以不是有development of an understanding of the self
 就會有emergence of autobiographical memory

3. 不能忽略emergence
  通常文章這樣寫就是強調 這是刺激 start的因子
  而可能在 maturation of autobiographical memory 需要其他事件

: D
: The development of autobiographical memory helps children gain an
: understanding of their roles in their social relationships.
沒說到social relationships

: 答案是C(onset是對應到emergence嗎?)
: 而且答案A也可以吧

Tags: 英檢

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Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2016-01-26T22:46
推 感謝!!
Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2016-01-28T04:21

J2TOEFL 1/23+24字彙題預測

Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2016-01-21T22:56
同學們好, J2TOEFL 1/23+24 字彙題預測出爐囉! 統一考試當週禮拜四上傳! 精選50個單字,考試同學把握時間複習喔! 下週考試同學也可以先預習! 難字用黃色標記,同學特別注意喔! 歡迎加入FB社團後至檔案區免費下載: ...


Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2016-01-21T22:08
andlt;教育及英文背景andgt; 1.臺師大教育碩士 2.學測14級,指考8X 3.GEPT中高級初試 (高中考的) 4.TOEIC 815 (碩畢時考的) 5.GRE二戰 V:150 Q:161 AW:3.0 (104.10考的) andlt;TOEFL一戰andgt; 1.考場名稱:臺中站前地球村 ...


Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2016-01-21T22:02
大家好, 這邊推廣一下自製的背單字APP----瘋狂背單字 應該很多人看過這款APP的廣告,請多多見諒 因為是下班後自製的小品APP,不想花錢打廣告,所以用這種到各版擺攤推 ...


Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2016-01-21T17:28
為回饋版友,特在此分享 TPO1-34 andamp; OG 真題單字 由於機經的侷限性,如果有錯誤與筆誤,歡迎隨時告知! 1561.oversee v. 監督 supervise ...


Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2016-01-21T03:03
大家好 之前有爬一下文,不過擔心可能補習班的老師換了 所以想說重新請益 之前有在碩士時候補過求精 不過那時候英文底子很差,所以沒啥概念 簡單補了作文跟單字,單字老師很活潑 XDD 後來回新竹服役,然後補了兩個月的美加 二月要回高雄實驗室當助理,已經跟老師說好 所以補習沒問題 但因為工作綁定關係,所以以高雄為 ...