TPO21 Autobiographical Memory - 英檢

Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2011-05-25T18:14

Table of Contents

※ 引述《qqcandra (沒事多合購多合購沒事)》之銘言:
: paragraph 1
: Think back to your childhood and try to identify your earliest memory. How old
: were you? Most people are not able to recount memories for experiences prior
: to the age of three years, a phenomenon called infantile amnesia. The question
: of why infantile amnesia occurs has intrigued psychologists for decades,
: especially in light of ample evidence that infants and young children can
: display impressive memory capabilities. Many find that understanding the
: general nature of autobiographical memory, that is,
: memory for events that have occurred in one's own life, can provide some
: important clues to this mystery.Between ages three and four, children begin
: to give fairly lengthy and cohesive descriptions of events in their past.
: What factors are responsible for this developmental turning point?
: Q3:
: According to paragraph 1, what is the evidence that a child has developed
: autobiographical memory?
要能支持 兒童已經發展了autobiographical memory

: A/ The child is able to remember past events from before the age of three years.
A 錯誤
Most people are not able to recount memories for experiences prior
to the age of three years

: B/ The child is able to describe past events in a sufficiently lengthy and
: cohesive manner.
正確 要做為證據的內容必須是一個事實
Between ages three and four, children begin
to give fairly lengthy and cohesive descriptions of events in their past.
就是有autobiographical memory 的展現
: C/ The child is aware that he or she does not remember experiences from before
: the age of three years.
沒有辦法證明發展了autobiographical memory
: D/ The child is able to give a basic description of the nature of
: autobiographical memory.
您可能習慣只看文章每段頭尾 就作答
或讀了一次 去做題目 又再回頭找類似的內容

其實這句話翻成中文就知道有問題了 這是of的修飾 所以中文閱讀應該從後面來

兒童能夠對 autobiographical memory 的 本質(nature)

文中說明希望瞭解autobiographical memory 的 本質(nature)

所以常常看到A of B of C
: 想要請問一下答案為什麼是B不是D --> 如何從問題可以定位到 下面這句 然後找答案
: Between ages three and four, children begin
: to give fairly lengthy and cohesive descriptions of events in their past.
: 我以為 lengthy and cohesive -->是用來形容這些events
: 而B是用來形容manner 所以B錯!! --> 請幫我解答一下 感謝!

Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2011-05-28T19:25
回的真精闢! 這篇好像在前面的TPO也有出現過
Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2011-05-29T15:58
謝謝S大的講解 很受用!!
Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2011-06-02T23:32


Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2011-05-25T15:45
第一次PO文獻給拖福版XD 5/14是第二次考托福,在台中的戴爾 第一次考試是為了一年前的交換學生,考了100 這次老天有保佑進步了八分! 上來分享一下準備的過程,雖然比起很多高手遜色多,還是希望有幫助到囉 : ) =聽力= 在沒有被英文環繞的環境下,追美國影集其實很有效,而且所謂的追是跟著美國進度沒 ...

TPO21 Autobiographical Memory

Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2011-05-25T14:31
B:從many find that…就是evidence的具體表現 一直解釋到in their past,其中句子裡用了一些字,像impressive、lengthy、cohesive 是很好的用字,而D雖然也有description,很顯然basic用得不對 (以上內容由美加 蔡睿老師提供) ※ 引述 ...


Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2011-05-25T14:20
2011美加文教 全新GRE&托福解題免費講座 極上公開 獨家解題祕訣實例印證! 新制GRE正式開始,要怎樣才能出奇制勝,考取高分?就讓真正的字彙之神幫你開竅,現 場講座立刻讓你豁然開朗! 掌握先機,知己知彼,GRE語文推理,不再徬徨,不再困擾,決勝未來,先前往美加進修 ,分數保證更High,且聽GRE ...


Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2011-05-25T11:07
我自己有在練習知英的書(聽力、閱讀),寫作和口說方面比較弱 兩年前大三的時候為了交換學生的門檻去考了托福 2009.01.10 聽: 23 讀: 21 寫: 21 說:17 總:82 剛好過ibT 79的門檻 想說現在閒來無事,想好好準備托福,或許將來會出國進修也說不一定 知道英文實力不 ...


Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2011-05-25T09:49
話說剛剛去看了5/14的成績 真是慘不慘賭 比我兩年前考的還低耶 而且這次還有準備 (雖然沒有準備很久) 因為平常課業很忙 如果暑假結束後再考 會不會分數比較高阿 托福真的臨時抱佛腳沒用耶 就算我是外文系也一樣 現在心情好低落...... 如果再準備一陣子再個一兩個月再考 分數會有差別嗎? = 如為考試心得 ...