TPO19 人文社會閱讀筆記法 (中) - 英檢

By Rosalind
at 2011-04-29T08:51
at 2011-04-29T08:51
Table of Contents
是反應 考試究竟可以想多少
2.筆記方法: 我喜歡實用的筆記, 雖然有些老師說 筆記只要解題時看懂就好
但是我發現 臨場可能因緊張 自己代號都忘了
但更重要的是希望 大家除了單字 與模版 要帶一套自己的筆記法去考場
聽力 口說 寫作 的基本分就是重點有抓到
一定要練習 筆記 與 提煉重點
我的方法不是最好的 也不一定適合大家 請研究適合自己的絕招吧
題外 托福其實很實用的 如果要去國外唸書 聽演講是很重要的
演講的內容可能影響你的一生 所以筆記不能只看懂一年 要放3年也看得懂
我請大家先讀讀看 之後我會寫出 我特別注意的句子與單字 最後寫筆記
如果覺得自己閱讀總是跟不上 想想自己有沒有一句一句讀 甚至
會唸出聲音的習慣 閱讀 不是朗讀
速讀沒有秘訣 就是注意前一句 遠觀後一句 不要一次看一句
這不是速讀課程 只是我的經驗
標題 The Roman Army's Impact on Britain
寫過論文的同學應該知道 標題很難下
1. 決定縮寫 人文類的聽力尤其麻煩 常常出現人名 而且有時不只一個
後面還考表格 所以分清楚在說誰 筆記不用寫Roman Army
Britain 只要 R & B
但是請小心 R與B很像 請不要看錯了
另外我的經驗是 A.B.C常常有人看成 1.2.3
忘記自己設的代號 所以我習慣
層次只用數字 文字代表名稱
2. 分類 希望大家有吸收上一篇的內容
從標題 我們分析出 R & B 這兩個並非科學名詞
所以應該屬於 關係類 而且我猜第一段一定跟小說一樣
之後從不同角度分析 之間的影響
[paragraph 1]
In the wake of the Roman Empire's 【conquest of Britain】
in the first century A.D., a large number of troops(部隊) stayed
in the new province(轄區), and these troops had a considerable
impact on Britain with their camps, fortifications, and participation
【in the local economy】.
Assessing the impact of the army on the civilian population starts
from the realization that the soldiers were always unevenly distributed
across the country.Areas rapidly incorporated into the empire were not
long affected by the military.
Where the army remained stationed, its presence was 【much more influential.】
【The imposition of】 a military base involved the requisition of
native lands for both the fort and the territory needed to feed
and exercise the soldiers' animals. 【The imposition of】 military rule
【also】 robbed local leaders of opportunities to participate
in local government, so social development was stunted and the seeds
of disaffection sown. This then meant that the military had to
remain to suppress rebellion and organize government.
請從我縮排的地方 分3段看
第一小段不用細看 我們已經知道就是R和B的關係
只要知道影響的方面 其中之一就是地區經濟
第二小段 看到much more 要有警覺
比較出現 一定有兩種東西可以比
之後的句子說 比起被快速併吞的地區 軍隊對於長期駐紮的地方影響更大
注意這個層次 本篇談影響 所以 重心在這些地區
第三小段 怎樣的影響
請不用分三句讀 應該這樣看
瞄一下 你會發現兩句的開頭好像 這是有設計過的修辭法
同時 當你看到also 要回去找他的伙伴 又是一個並列 應該是同性質的東西
a military base 造成 imposition強加負擔 : 需要土地 1.建堡壘 2.養動物
military rule 造成 : LGov↓ => dev ↓=> disaffection↑
=> need army
因為被佔領 當地領煮的參政權被削弱 所以地方發展延遲 民眾不滿
所以 軍隊佔領的 惡果 反而使得軍隊的存在更加必要 鎮壓反叛與支持當地政府
R & L
1. ∵R conquest B
stationed >>
(1)base: 地
(2)rule: LGov↓ => dev ↓=> disaffection↑=> need army
∵是數學符號 因為
stationed >> 表示影響比較大
如果口說 分組實驗結果常常抄不完 請注意只要抄對比的一方
看到also 我會自動加上標記 2. 然後回去找1.
1. 句子同意帶換
【 a large number of troops stayed in the new province, and these
troops had a considerable impact on Britain with
their camps, fortifications, and participation in the local economy. 】
重點剛剛抓過 剛好考在筆記上第一句
in the new province 例子: on Britain
with之後的3個詞是次要內容 同意帶換可以拋棄
A. Many Roman soldiers remained in Britain after
conquering it, and their presence had a strong influence.選下去
B. awaken in the first century A.D 時間不是重點 重點是影響經濟
local economy improved 沒說 這是後面段落的內容 在此沒說好壞喔
C.contributed to 不是主因
D. gained considerable economic strength 和B錯的一樣 只是換成說對R好
2According to paragraph 1, the Roman army had
the most influence on these areas of Britain that were
筆記第二點 比較
請不要選筆記沒寫的 used as military bases 就對了
ETS不常考 反面 問說在哪裡影響較小
3. what effect did military occupation have on the local population?
請看清楚 on local population
1.要地 (這不是對人的影響喔)
2.created discontent and made continuing military occupation necessary
4. suppress = stop by force 武力鎮壓
【Economic exchange】 was clearly very important as the
Roman army brought with it very substantial spending power.
Locally a fort had【 two kinds of impact】.
Its large population needed food and other supplies.
Some of these were certainly brought from long distances, but
demands were inevitably placed on the local area.
【Although】 goods could be requisitioned,
they were usually paid for, and this probably
【stimulated changes in the local economy】.
When not campaigning, soldiers needed to be occupied
【; otherwise they represented a potentially dangerous
source of friction and disloyalty.
Hence a writing tablet dated 25 April tells of 343 men
at one fort engaged on tasks like shoemaking, building a bathhouse,
operating kilns, digging clay, and working lead.
【Such activities had a major effect on the local area,
in particular with the construction of infrastructure such as roads,
which improved access to remote areas】.
筆記: Economic exchange
1. $ ∵avoid friction and disloyalty
段落很長 內容很簡單 所以這一段考題不多
閱讀影響方面:經濟 2影響 請寫出1. 2. 備用
needed food and other supplies
【Although】讓步句 重點在後方的句子
paid for => local economy change
總之軍人有薪水 會花錢
2. 軍人要工作 why? 因為軍人不打仗 無聊會搗亂
所以工作不是要賺錢 是防止..
不過工作確實對地方有正面影響 improved access to remote areas
5. friction = conflict 摩擦=衝突
6.example 我們跳過不讀不過知道一定支持前面的句子
所以選 keep them busy and well-behaved
All Comments

By Victoria
at 2011-05-01T01:24
at 2011-05-01T01:24

By Olivia
at 2011-05-02T12:59
at 2011-05-02T12:59

By Genevieve
at 2011-05-05T01:14
at 2011-05-05T01:14

By Hardy
at 2011-05-07T21:29
at 2011-05-07T21:29

By Caitlin
at 2011-05-08T07:29
at 2011-05-08T07:29

By Hamiltion
at 2011-05-10T17:26
at 2011-05-10T17:26
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