TPO19 Reading-The Roman Army's Impact on Britain - 英檢

By Aaliyah
at 2011-02-25T14:28
at 2011-02-25T14:28
Table of Contents
The Roman Army's Impact on Britain
◆ In the wake of the Roman Empire's conquest of Britain in the first
century A.D., a large number of troops stayed in the new province, and these
troops had a considerable impact on Britain with their camps, fortifications,
and participation in the local economy. Assessing the impact of the army on
the civilian population starts from the realization that the soldiers were
always unevenly distributed across the country. Areas rapidly incorporated
into the empire were not long affected by the military. Where the army
remained stationed, its presence was much more influential. The imposition of
a military base involved the requisition of native lands for both the fort
and the territory needed to feed and exercise the soldiers' animals. The
imposition of military rule also robbed local leaders of opportunities to
participate in local government, so social development was stunted and the
seeds of disaffection sown. This then meant that the military had to remain
to suppress rebellion and organize government.
According to paragraph 1, what effect did military occupation on the local
○ It encouraged more even distribution of the population and the settlement
of previously indeveloped territory.
○ It created discontent and made continuing military occupation necessary.
○ It required local labor to construct forts and feed and exercise the
soldiers' animals.
○ It provided local leaders with opportunities to participate in governmance.
謝謝大家唷 =)
All Comments

By Mia
at 2011-02-25T22:39
at 2011-02-25T22:39

By Agnes
at 2011-03-01T21:51
at 2011-03-01T21:51

By Sandy
at 2011-03-02T08:04
at 2011-03-02T08:04

By Rachel
at 2011-03-07T00:10
at 2011-03-07T00:10

By Callum
at 2011-03-08T22:29
at 2011-03-08T22:29

By Donna
at 2011-03-10T15:40
at 2011-03-10T15:40
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