TPO18 聽力2 Q11/TPO16 聽力6 Q17 - 英檢

Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2012-04-08T12:26

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剛剛在檢討TPO18 Lecture2 (一篇有關太陽黑子的演說)

What does the professor imply about the discovery of a relationship between
the sunspot cycle and the Earth's geomagnetic cycle?

A. It proved that Gallieo's cloud hypothesis was correct.
B. It showed how conditions on Earth can affect the Sun.
C. It was the start of modern astronomy.
D. It led to a period of intense scientific research.


看到答案後覺得有理。不過自己原本選的B也很直覺阿Q Q

另外還有TPO16 Lecture4 (stained glass的演說)重聽題

What does the professor imply when she says this?
A. It is unfortunate that people in the 19th century destroyed old
stained-glass windows.
B. Stained-glass windows made in the 19th century are more beautiful than
those made earlier.
C. It was necessary for people in the 19th century to break stained-glass
D. Stained-glass windows made in the 19th century are more valuable today
than windows in previous centuries.

They actually broke them? That showed good judgment,real foresight, didn't it?

謝~~謝~Q Q

Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2012-04-11T09:46
Q11的B反了吧 地球怎麼會影響太陽
Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2012-04-15T02:12
lecture最後幾句不是說 Earth's magnetic field對
太陽黑子的影響嗎? a_a
Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2012-04-19T08:02
可以推敲出來 (這題很賊)
Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2012-04-19T16:22
他最後幾句是在說sunspots are magnetic field
Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2012-04-20T14:56


Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2012-04-07T18:35
各位好, 我在報名的時候可能是太緊張, 所以不小心把信箱寫錯以致於一直沒收到確認信, 請問我應該怎麼辦呢QQ - ...


Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2012-04-07T16:58
想請問台北有哪個考場是全部考生同時開考? 還是都是先到一位位叫號先考? 記得之前在考口說時,有的考生還在考聽力~ - ...


William avatar
By William
at 2012-04-07T15:26
你好, 我目前是菁英的學員, 我自己本身是外文系畢業, 從事美語教學, 補習的目的 是為了想看業界的托福老師是如何上課的, 順便自己也考一次托福, 想著有機會也可以 教托福, 多賺點錢^^ 目前我上的部分還不倒 1/4 , 96堂聽說讀寫(我上20堂), 12堂文法字彙(我上2堂), 6次 模擬 ...

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Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2012-04-06T23:56
成績: 107 -- R28 L30 S22 W27 (2012/1/14 漢口街地球村) 背景: 在職準備,NTU理工畢業。 英文底子不好,大學聯考英文只有60分左右。N年前全民英檢中高級沒過。 準備托福使用的教材: Reading: TOP1~19 Listening: TPO1~19 Speak ...

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