TPO18 Reading: Lightning - 英檢

Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2016-05-18T16:06

Table of Contents

大家好! 想請問一下 下面這一題

Most lightning takes place within a cloud when the charge
separation within the cloud collapses. However, as the storm
cloud develops, the ground beneath the cloud becomes positively
charged and lightning can take place in the form of an electrical
discharge between the negative charge of the cloud and the
positively charged ground. 【Lightning that strikes the ground is
the most likely to be destructive】, so even though it represents
only 20 percent of all lightning, it has received a lot of
scientific attention.

The author mark "Lighting that strikes the ground is the most likely
to be destructive" in order to explain
(A) this form of lightning has been investigated so much
(B) this form of lightning is not as common as lightning within a cloud
(C) scientists understand of this form of lightning is important
(D) the buildup of positive charge on the ground beneath a storm cloud can
have serious consequence

爬文之後有看到有人問 但我還是有疑問


這題答案會是A 是因為 even though... 被挪到後面的關係嗎?


Tags: 英檢

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Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2016-05-18T15:02
【莫清崴老師從詞「形、音、綴」的觀點解析高頻率的字彙】 (字母A部分5) abet v. to encourage or help, especially in wrongdoing; to instigate; to incite; to urge on (唆使;煽動,慫恿) ad + bet a + ...


Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2016-05-18T10:24
5/19-5/25登峰美語托福文法/寫作首堂【免費體驗】 如果你: ◆滿手真題,卻沒辦法通透托福高分真諦 ◆前仆後繼,卻老是與門檻分數失之交臂 那麼,請再給自己一堂課的機會,你會找到托福高分的真諦,也會找回面對托福考試的勇氣 ! 【課程資訊】 免費課程:托福文法/寫作(正課首堂一堂) 期間限定:5/19 ...

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Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2016-05-17T20:18
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Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2016-05-17T19:42
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