TPO17 聽力 Ancient Egyptian Calendar - 英檢

Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2016-01-15T16:34

Table of Contents

What are two points the professor makes about the administrative calendar?
Click on 2 answers
A. It included more religious festivals than did the other calendar.
B. It was used for scheduling tax payments.
C. It had the same number of days every year.
D. It used the Moon to determine the beginning of the year.


But was it any way to run a government? They didn’t think so. For
administrative purposes, it was very inconvenient to have years of different
lengths. So another calendar was introduced, an administrative one. Probably
soon after 3,000BC, they declared a 365-day year, with 12 months per year,
with exactly 30 days each month, with an extra 5 days at the end of each
year. This administrative calendar existed alongside the earlier agricultural
and religious calendar that depended on the heliacal rising of Sirius. This
administrative calendar was much easier to use for things like scheduling
taxes and other things that had to be paid on time. Over time, the calendar
got out of step with seasons and the flooding of the Nile, but for
bureaucratic purposes, they didn’t mind.

For administrative purposes, it was very inconvenient to have years of different




Tags: 英檢

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Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2016-01-17T12:19
Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2016-01-21T09:17
Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2016-01-22T22:58

一戰105 還好有送佛

Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2016-01-15T15:16
【求學背景】台大在學生 【英文能力】學測14級 中高級初試 【考試地點】11.08元智大學 【各科分數】聽 29 寫 23 讀 27 說 26 【準備時間】補習1個多月+考前一週 【準備教材】送佛講義+平常大家都知道的網站(小站托福、考滿分...) 【心得】 其實我自己準備托福的過程是蠻倉促的,當初會選 ...

2015.07.11一戰113 謝謝美加 密集課程

Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2016-01-15T14:22
原PO在上海念書,故代PO 個人資料 《TOEFL-IBT應考日期及成績》2015.07.11 一戰 113 《求學背景》 上海中學國際部 《英文能力敘述》 PSAT 182 《考試身份》 全職考生 《考場地點》 美加臺北考場 ...


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By John
at 2016-01-15T13:25
★ 恭喜「托福口說衝刺班」謝同學「TOEFL口說」大幅由 23分進步至 27分(總分109分) !由王梓沅老師領軍堅強創勝NTE三角陣容的「免費托福課程」體驗就在本週日 ★ 「跟我們學,只要努力,你(妳) 也可以跟他一樣。」 托福考試是個 validity, reliability 都兼具的考試,也因此, ...


Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2016-01-15T10:42
★真人實況教學★3小時免費現場聽課★ 即刻線上預約: 就是後天,快搶最後席次~ 聽得快才能答得好!就讓托福破題王來教你輕鬆應答~ 沒有人比江璞教授更了解托福TOEFL-iBT出題模式, 也沒有人擁有比江璞老師更多的有效題庫, 本次更蒐集近三個月托福正式考試考題理出一套 ...


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By Catherine
at 2016-01-14T17:27
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