TPO16 Development of the periodic table - 英檢

Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2010-12-13T17:38

Table of Contents


整整錯了八題, 用字典查過, 還是看不大懂他在說什麼

於是找了一些資料, 提供給對這篇茫然的板友

這是週期表的介紹, 我想很多人都已經將它還給老師了, 複習一下應該會比較了解內容

其中也有提到gallium與germanium的部分, 讓我有一點點概念回神了..

只是, 下面依然有兩題比較疑惑的, 希望高手同學能幫我解答解答..


第三段: Mendeleyev went further than Meyer in another respect: he predicted
the properties of six elements yet to be discovered. For example, a gap just
below aluminum suggested a new element would be found with properties
analogous to those of aluminum. Mendeleyev designated this element
"eka-aluminum" and predicted its properties. Just five years later an element
with the proper atomic mass was isolated and named gallium by its discoverer.
The close correspondence between the observed properties of gallium and
Mendeleyev's predictions for eka-aluminum lent strong support to the periodic
law. Additional support came in 1885 when eka-silicon, which had also been
described in advance by Mendeleyev, was discovered and named germanium.

9. Paragraph 3 suggests that Mendeleyev predicted the properties of
eka-aluminum on the basis of
1. the atomic mass of alumnium (我認為)
2. the position of the gap in the periodic table that eka-alumnium was
predicted to fill(正解)
3. the similarity of eka-aluminum to the other five missing elements
4. observation of the properties of gallium

10. It can be inffered from paragraph 3 that tht significance of the discovery
of gallium was that it supported which of the following?
1. the idea that aluminum was correctly placed in the periodic table(哪邊錯?)
2. Mendeleyev's prediction that eka-silicon would be discovered next
3. the organizing principle of the periodic table(正解)
4. the idea that unknown elements existed.


Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2010-12-16T01:15
我反而是16的第一篇完全不會 這篇在講元素表阿 雖然我
John avatar
By John
at 2010-12-18T03:33
專有名詞也不太懂 不過大概就是在說原祖元素表對現在
元素表的影響@@ 這樣會太含糊嗎
Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2010-12-18T10:27
空間給尚未發現的元素 而且也發現並不是用atom mass來
Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2010-12-20T07:20
決定位置(忘記是mass還是哪個) 主要就是在講這個
Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2010-12-22T20:55


Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2010-12-13T13:23
之前我分享過一篇 炒冷飯的TPO 不知道是不是大陸那邊被ET$抓光光 結果一些大陸的網站與論壇全部都跑來到盜連我這邊的連結╰(‵皿′*)╯ 想當然 主機就超過負荷 老美就把我的空間給停了〒△〒 經過幾天跟老美的協商 終於願意讓我復站 只是 TPO的部分 要先避避風頭 所以就先砍檔了 我會再找個付費 ...


Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2010-12-13T12:25
說到這個 讓我想到前天(12/11 六)在台南長榮中學的考試 (以下是給一個好的經驗分享) 當天只有三個人(包括我)考試 + 一個試務人員(看起來像學生) 整體而言 由於人少+選舉結束很久 所以考場還算蠻安靜的(廢話XD) PS 我們可以一次拿超過3張紙(這算炫耀嗎XDDDD) 言歸正 ...


Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2010-12-13T10:22
※ 引述《cloooney (日本純愛電影永遠看不膩)》之銘言: : 今天我在六樓 這是我的第三戰 : 卻是我第一次在統一同時考的情況 : 而且我覺得那個男性監考人員有點煩人 : 因為他不斷督促我點選continue : 我很容易緊張 所以我都習慣放很慢的速度去做題 : 在呼吸還沒調勻以前 我都不想直接 ...


Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2010-12-13T01:36
今天我在六樓 這是我的第三戰 卻是我第一次在統一同時考的情況 而且我覺得那個男性監考人員有點煩人 因為他不斷督促我點選continue 我很容易緊張 所以我都習慣放很慢的速度去做題 在呼吸還沒調勻以前 我都不想直接進去介面 利用這一點時間順便補充模版內容之類的 但是他會一直在背後巡視 我 ...


Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2010-12-12T22:55
回報地雷考場/無雷考場或詢問考場用, 寫完本文請記得刪除此行~ 詢問考場可進精華區參閱相關資訊, 填完問題可刪除本行及下述模板~ 以下是回報考場的模板, 寫完本文請記得按ctrl+y刪除此行~ 09/02/05Update [評議] 1. 考場代碼: 2. 考場名稱:公館地球 ...