TPO13 reading 第一篇 - 英檢

Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2013-11-08T16:10

Table of Contents

我的問題是第8題 highlight題 答案是C
they(= primary group) transmit, xxx, and xxx a social's cultural patterns and
provide xxx for solidarity.
social solidarity 和 social's cultural patterns應該是平行結構 都是primary
social solidarity 是 primary groups maintain social's cultural patterns造成的

我反而覺得A比較對 因為 cultural patterns 在文章中because後面
而 bridge between個人和社會 在because前面 剛好和A的結構相同

Sociologists view primary groups as bridges between individuals and the
larger society because they transmit, mediate, and interpret a society's
patterns and provide the sense of oneness so critical for social solidarity.

8. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in
the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the
meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.
A: Sociologists think that cultural patterns establish connections between the
individual and the larger society.
B: Sociologists believe that individuals with a sense of oneness bridge the
between society and primary groups.
C: Sociologists think primary groups contribute to social solidarity because
they help
maintain a society's cultural patterns.
D: Sociologists believe that the cultural patterns that provide social
solidarity arise as
bridges from primary groups.

Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2013-11-09T03:45
C沒錯啊!! A整個主角都搞錯了....
Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2013-11-13T08:08
是 they (primary groups)在做傳遞仲介解釋文化模式

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