TPO12 聽力第3LECTURE的第9題 - 英檢

By Adele
at 2012-01-29T14:17
at 2012-01-29T14:17
Table of Contents
※ 引述《GOKU123 (GOKU)》之銘言:
: 這篇是在講OPERA的進化
: Q:what does the professor say about music in French opera?
: A.It resembled sacred church music
: B.It often ispired French novelist to write great pieces of literature
: C.It revolved mainly around solo pieces
: D.It was secondary to the rhythmic flow of language
: 答案是D
: 原文:
: The French said opera auto-reflect the rhythm and Kevin of dramatic literature, bearing in mind that
: we are talking about the golden age in French literature. And so the music was
: secondary, if you will, to the dramatic Kevin of language, to the way the
: rhythm of language was used to express feeling and used to add drama and of course
: as a result instead of arias or solos, which would come to dominated Italian
: opera.
Cadence = Tempo
: 但是不太懂這段的意思
: 他說music是secondary,而rhythm of language成為dominated
: 那不就跟D選相衝突了嗎?
: 還是我解讀錯誤= ="
: 另外:
: 1.Kevin在這裡有什麼特殊意思嗎@@?
: 2.本篇的另一段
: Opera, as we think of it, is of course a rather restive form. It is the
^^^^^^^ resurrected 復興
: melodious drama of ancient Greek theater, the term ‘melodious drama’ being shortened
: eventually to ‘melodrama’ because operas frequently are melodramatic, not to
: say unrealistic.
: 這段話:
: a rather restive form--->好像是有點不安 難駕馭的形式,感覺好像怪怪的?
: 我聽起來好像是a resurrective(但是好像沒這個字= =") form--->一個復甦的型式?
resurrect 有復甦 復興的意思
(在教堂中演出 以宗教為主題 以拉丁文表演)
(在廣場演出 出現對社會政府批判的諷刺劇主題 以當地方言表演)
: 這段話不知道該怎麼理解@@"
: 有請大大指教~感恩^^"
: 這篇是在講OPERA的進化
: Q:what does the professor say about music in French opera?
: A.It resembled sacred church music
: B.It often ispired French novelist to write great pieces of literature
: C.It revolved mainly around solo pieces
: D.It was secondary to the rhythmic flow of language
: 答案是D
: 原文:
: The French said opera auto-reflect the rhythm and Kevin of dramatic literature, bearing in mind that
: we are talking about the golden age in French literature. And so the music was
: secondary, if you will, to the dramatic Kevin of language, to the way the
: rhythm of language was used to express feeling and used to add drama and of course
: as a result instead of arias or solos, which would come to dominated Italian
: opera.
Cadence = Tempo
: 但是不太懂這段的意思
: 他說music是secondary,而rhythm of language成為dominated
: 那不就跟D選相衝突了嗎?
: 還是我解讀錯誤= ="
: 另外:
: 1.Kevin在這裡有什麼特殊意思嗎@@?
: 2.本篇的另一段
: Opera, as we think of it, is of course a rather restive form. It is the
^^^^^^^ resurrected 復興
: melodious drama of ancient Greek theater, the term ‘melodious drama’ being shortened
: eventually to ‘melodrama’ because operas frequently are melodramatic, not to
: say unrealistic.
: 這段話:
: a rather restive form--->好像是有點不安 難駕馭的形式,感覺好像怪怪的?
: 我聽起來好像是a resurrective(但是好像沒這個字= =") form--->一個復甦的型式?
resurrect 有復甦 復興的意思
(在教堂中演出 以宗教為主題 以拉丁文表演)
(在廣場演出 出現對社會政府批判的諷刺劇主題 以當地方言表演)
: 這段話不知道該怎麼理解@@"
: 有請大大指教~感恩^^"
All Comments

By Christine
at 2012-01-31T15:00
at 2012-01-31T15:00
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