TPO12 Reading-Water in the Desert - 英檢

By Sarah
at 2010-07-16T12:31
at 2010-07-16T12:31
Table of Contents
Paragraph 7:Water does not remain immobile in an aquifer
but can seep out at springs or leak into other aquifers.
The rate of movement may be very slow: in the Indus plain,
the movement of saline (salty) ground waters has still not
reached equilibrium after 70 years of being tapped. The
mineral content of groundwater normally increases with the
depth, but even quite shallow aquifers can be highly saline.
11. The passage supports which of the following statements
about water in the desert?
○ The most visible forms of water are not the most widespread
forms of water in the desert.
○ Groundwater in the desert cannot become a source of drinking
water but can be used for irrigation.
○ Most of the water in the desert is contained in shallow aquifers
that are being rapidly recharged.
○ Desert areas that lack endogenous or exogenous rivers and streams
cannot support life.
我看不出這一段有講到visisble form和widespread forms的相關內容啊
but can seep out at springs or leak into other aquifers.
The rate of movement may be very slow: in the Indus plain,
the movement of saline (salty) ground waters has still not
reached equilibrium after 70 years of being tapped. The
mineral content of groundwater normally increases with the
depth, but even quite shallow aquifers can be highly saline.
11. The passage supports which of the following statements
about water in the desert?
○ The most visible forms of water are not the most widespread
forms of water in the desert.
○ Groundwater in the desert cannot become a source of drinking
water but can be used for irrigation.
○ Most of the water in the desert is contained in shallow aquifers
that are being rapidly recharged.
○ Desert areas that lack endogenous or exogenous rivers and streams
cannot support life.
我看不出這一段有講到visisble form和widespread forms的相關內容啊
All Comments

By Jacky
at 2010-07-20T03:24
at 2010-07-20T03:24

By Cara
at 2010-07-22T17:00
at 2010-07-22T17:00

By Olga
at 2010-07-26T06:20
at 2010-07-26T06:20
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