TPO11閱讀-Ancient Egyptian Sculpture … - 英檢

By Heather
at 2011-04-10T08:21
at 2011-04-10T08:21
Table of Contents
※ 引述《secret1984 (黑嘴端鳳頭燕鷗)》之銘言:
: (前文恕刪)
: 這篇我有些問題,
: the word [context] in the passage is closest in meaning to ...?
: Ans: environment
: 我其實考慮三個選項:
: connection
: influence
: environment
: 但我不理解為甚麼另外兩個不行...??
: 另外,第八題,
context 一般都知道是上下文的意思(用於文學)
不過另一個意思是 先不查字典 猜猜看
context =
○ connection 連接 . 關連
○ influence 影響.作用
○ environment 環境
○ requirement 1.必需品. 2.規定之事物
個人認為光是背橘寶書之類的 沒有真正的提升英文實力
文字代換 其實就是GRE的填空題 而並不一定是同意字
我習慣設定在出現這個字的上下兩句之間 換言之包括句子本身共5句
The majority of three-dimensional representations, (examples)
whether standing, seated, or kneeling,
exhibit what is called frontality: (:之後是說明frontality)
they face straight ahead, neither twisting nor turning.
When such statues are viewed in isolation, (前提 把他們單獨看待時)
out of their original context and without knowledge of their function,
it is easy to criticize them for their rigid attitudes
that remained unchanged for three thousand years.
(當不知道他們的功能.且out of their original context 可能覺得他們很僵化)
Frontality is, however, directly related to the functions
of Egyptian statuary and the contexts in which the (又出現 context了)
statues were set up.
首先 可以抽離 out of their original
再來 必須符合本句 Frontality is directly related to the contexts
in which the statues were set up.
看到 in which 就知道contexts 是方形容詞子句的先行詞
The statues were set up in the contexts.
statues 是雕像 其可以 set up 的地方 = context
而 連接.影響.必需品 都不可能 所以答案很明顯
: ...................why were certain areas of a stone statue left uncarved?
: Ans: to prevent damage by providing physical stability
: 我在文章中怎麼也看不出哪兒有這樣的意思....~.~a
: 謝謝....
Why 三部曲
請訓練每個步驟只要花一次時間 也就是看一遍就抓到重點 這樣才能省時間
1.看題目 對象是誰 ? stone statue
問什麼? certain areas left uncarved 為何石像有些地方沒有雕刻?
2.看選項 的開頭
To prevent damage
To emphasize *2
To provide another artist
通常看到此 emphansize 的兩個先不要細讀 因為80%是來亂的
如果答案是要強調... 那通常是問 例子的功能
這裡問的是因果 Why
可能解釋有2種 1.防止破壞 比較堅固 2.讓下一個人可以雕刻
3.看原文 請不要一字不漏的看
剛剛看過題目的優點來了 與石像無關的一律不管 也就是木雕什麼之類的都與之無關
看開頭句Statues were normally made of stone, wood, or metal.
向下看一下 Stone statues were
By contrast, wooden statues were
, and metal statues were
很明顯這就是條列式的文章 不要浪費時間
根據線索1. 把火力集中在Stone statues were
接下來找線索2 哪裡沒有雕刻呢?
The stone between the arms and the body and
between the legs in standing figures
or the legs and the seat in seated ones
was not normally cut away.
文法陷阱 這是個超長句 老實說與解題無關 可以跳過
不過還是稍微說明一下 這個句子並不難
只要掌握 and 與 or 的對等連接詞詞性 就不會搞錯
沒有雕刻的地方 站立雕像的 1.手臂與身體間 2.兩腳之間
坐姿雕像的 1.兩腳之間 2.座位
not cut away 沒切掉 就是 沒刻掉
那原因就不遠了 請看下句
From a practical aspect this (這個指示代名詞 就是在說沒有雕刻這件事)
protected the figures against breakage and
psychologically gives the images a sense of strength and power
答案明顯 1. 防止斷裂 2.增加物理強度
: (前文恕刪)
: 這篇我有些問題,
: the word [context] in the passage is closest in meaning to ...?
: Ans: environment
: 我其實考慮三個選項:
: connection
: influence
: environment
: 但我不理解為甚麼另外兩個不行...??
: 另外,第八題,
context 一般都知道是上下文的意思(用於文學)
不過另一個意思是 先不查字典 猜猜看
context =
○ connection 連接 . 關連
○ influence 影響.作用
○ environment 環境
○ requirement 1.必需品. 2.規定之事物
個人認為光是背橘寶書之類的 沒有真正的提升英文實力
文字代換 其實就是GRE的填空題 而並不一定是同意字
我習慣設定在出現這個字的上下兩句之間 換言之包括句子本身共5句
The majority of three-dimensional representations, (examples)
whether standing, seated, or kneeling,
exhibit what is called frontality: (:之後是說明frontality)
they face straight ahead, neither twisting nor turning.
When such statues are viewed in isolation, (前提 把他們單獨看待時)
out of their original context and without knowledge of their function,
it is easy to criticize them for their rigid attitudes
that remained unchanged for three thousand years.
(當不知道他們的功能.且out of their original context 可能覺得他們很僵化)
Frontality is, however, directly related to the functions
of Egyptian statuary and the contexts in which the (又出現 context了)
statues were set up.
首先 可以抽離 out of their original
再來 必須符合本句 Frontality is directly related to the contexts
in which the statues were set up.
看到 in which 就知道contexts 是方形容詞子句的先行詞
The statues were set up in the contexts.
statues 是雕像 其可以 set up 的地方 = context
而 連接.影響.必需品 都不可能 所以答案很明顯
: ...................why were certain areas of a stone statue left uncarved?
: Ans: to prevent damage by providing physical stability
: 我在文章中怎麼也看不出哪兒有這樣的意思....~.~a
: 謝謝....
Why 三部曲
請訓練每個步驟只要花一次時間 也就是看一遍就抓到重點 這樣才能省時間
1.看題目 對象是誰 ? stone statue
問什麼? certain areas left uncarved 為何石像有些地方沒有雕刻?
2.看選項 的開頭
To prevent damage
To emphasize *2
To provide another artist
通常看到此 emphansize 的兩個先不要細讀 因為80%是來亂的
如果答案是要強調... 那通常是問 例子的功能
這裡問的是因果 Why
可能解釋有2種 1.防止破壞 比較堅固 2.讓下一個人可以雕刻
3.看原文 請不要一字不漏的看
剛剛看過題目的優點來了 與石像無關的一律不管 也就是木雕什麼之類的都與之無關
看開頭句Statues were normally made of stone, wood, or metal.
向下看一下 Stone statues were
By contrast, wooden statues were
, and metal statues were
很明顯這就是條列式的文章 不要浪費時間
根據線索1. 把火力集中在Stone statues were
接下來找線索2 哪裡沒有雕刻呢?
The stone between the arms and the body and
between the legs in standing figures
or the legs and the seat in seated ones
was not normally cut away.
文法陷阱 這是個超長句 老實說與解題無關 可以跳過
不過還是稍微說明一下 這個句子並不難
只要掌握 and 與 or 的對等連接詞詞性 就不會搞錯
沒有雕刻的地方 站立雕像的 1.手臂與身體間 2.兩腳之間
坐姿雕像的 1.兩腳之間 2.座位
not cut away 沒切掉 就是 沒刻掉
那原因就不遠了 請看下句
From a practical aspect this (這個指示代名詞 就是在說沒有雕刻這件事)
protected the figures against breakage and
psychologically gives the images a sense of strength and power
答案明顯 1. 防止斷裂 2.增加物理強度
All Comments

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