TPO11第九題關於鳥的防衛巢的行為 - 英檢

Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2010-10-25T07:37

Table of Contents


According to the lecture, when do birds put on their most
conscious distraction displays?

A. Just before they lay their eggs.
B. Immedicately after they have laid their eggs.
C. Just before their young become independent.
D. Immedicately after their yound have left the nest.



Now, what’s interesting is that birds have different levels of performance,
um, these distraction displays. They don’t give their top performance,
their prime time performance every time. What they do is,
they save their best performances,
their most conspicuous and most risky displays for the time just before
the baby births become able to take care of themselves. (答案在這句話吧)

mbaby births是名詞 become able to take care of themselves

And the time that they wait because that’s when they’ll make the greatest
investment in parenting their young. So, they are not gonna put
on their best performance just after they lay the eggs,
because they haven’t invested that much time or energy in parenting yet.
The top performances are gonna come later. Now, you know some birds that
are quite mature, and quite capable almost as soon as they hatch.
And in that case, the parents would put on the most conspicuous distraction
displays just before the babies hatch, (條件一成立下的另一個可能答案)
because once the babies are hatched, they can pretty take acre of themselves.
And then you’ll have other birds they are
helpless when they hatch, in that case, the parents would save the best
performances until just before the babies get their feathers.(這跟主要情況一致)


Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2010-10-29T21:18
答案是C 應該是你答案錯了 哈
Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2010-11-01T14:59
Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2010-11-04T05:56
因為這題我選錯了 記憶猶新阿 哈哈


Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2010-10-24T22:15
那個... 我是9/11的考生 距離官方公佈成績日期9/24已經屆滿一個月了 可是我還沒有收到我的紙本成績 請問有人已經收到了嗎 PS 我是士林人 地區間應該沒有太大差異吧 - ...


Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2010-10-24T20:14
想請教各位板友有沒有TPO口說音擋的載點? 我知前都是在 可是今天想點開口說音欓練習的時候卻都無法連結 請問有沒有哪個地方是可以線上收聽或是下載的呢? - ...

Re: 報名時間限制

Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2010-10-24T18:44
想要請問大家,照這樣子的意思,我可以在11/13, 11/14連續兩天都報名嗎?? 感謝!! ※ 引述《hexstring (:))》之銘言: : 剛剛打去問ETS,我本來報抱11/13,11/21 : 現在想要改11/14,11/21 : 也就是第一次改成往後延一天 : 但是這樣就只差七天間隔了... ...

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Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2010-10-24T17:49
不好意思, 想請教各位前輩. 小弟現在在準備口說 Task 1 分類情境 我企圖依照 Lena 老師的八個分類來準備 (我沒有補習, 所以我不知道老師怎麼教) 沒想到準備第一個分類 CHARACTERISTICS 就出師不利! ♥ CHARACTERISTICS 例題 1. What are the ...


George avatar
By George
at 2010-10-24T02:21
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