TPO11-Which hand did they use - 英檢

Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2010-09-03T18:14

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※ 引述《DarkD (達克豬)》之銘言:
: 最後的整合題
: 6) Nick Toth, a modem right-handed toolmaker. has shown that prehistoric tools
: were knapped to fit the right hand
: PA. 6: Occationally one can determine whether stone tools were used in the
: right hand or the ledt, and it is even possible to assess how far back this
: feature can be traced. In stone toolmakingexperiments, Nick Toth, a
: right-hander, held te core (the stone that would become the tool) ib his ledt
: hand and the hammer stone i nhis right hand. As the tool was made, the core was
: rotated clockwise, and flakes, removed in sequence, had a little crescent of
: cortex(the core's outer surface) on the side. Toth's knapping produced 56
: percent flakes with the cortex on the right, and 44 percent left-oriented
: flakes. A left-handed toolmaker would produce the opposite pattern Toth has
: applied these criteria to the similarly made pebble tools from a number of
: early sites (before 1.5 million years) at Koobi For a, Kenya, probably made by
: Home habilis. At seven sites he found that 57 percent of the flakes were
: right-oriented, and 43 percent left, a pattern almost identical to that
: produced today.
: 好像沒錯阿....@@?
: 麻煩板友幫忙指出來,看很久都看不出所以然

我是這麼解的 你參考看看:

選項Nick Toth has shown that prehistoric tools were knapped to fit the right

仔細看第六段的意思應該是tools were made 'BY' right-handed toolmaker
這樣看的話這個選項的意思有點改變了原意 所以不選它

Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2010-09-05T17:27
恩~感謝 我想我是被第一句搞亂了

TPO11-Which hand did they use

William avatar
By William
at 2010-09-03T17:37
最後的整合題 6) Nick Toth, a modem right-handed toolmaker. has shown that prehistoric tools were knapped to fit the right hand PA. 6: Occationally one can det ...


Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2010-09-03T16:53
相信各位都已經知道8/21的成績了 沒錯 我也是這一梯的 這是我第二次考 第一次 4/10 26 27 23 22 97 第二次 8/21 26 21 23 20 90 退步了...大退步..... 目標是100 我在想可能是我兩次隔太久 但現在我正準備GRE而且剩一個月要考了 大家覺 ...

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at 2010-09-03T15:35
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