TPO11 begging by nestlings - 英檢

By Olivia
at 2011-01-17T09:44
at 2011-01-17T09:44
Table of Contents
※ 引述《cloudballoon (氣球雲)》之銘言:
: Paragraph 4:Given that predators can make it costly to beg for food, what benefit do begging
: nestlings derive from their communications? One possibility is that a noisy baby bird provides
: accurate signals of its real hunger and good health, making it worthwhile for the listening
: parent to give it food in a nest where several other offspring are usually available to be fed. If
: this hypothesis is true, then it follows that nestlings should adjust the intensity of their signals in
: relation to the signals produced by their nestmates, who are competing for parental attention.
: When experimentally deprived baby robins are placed in a nest with normally fed siblings, the
: hungry nestlings beg more loudly than usual—but so do their better-fed siblings, though not as
: loudly as the hungrier birds.
: Paragraph 5:If parent birds use begging intensity to direct food to healthy offspring capable of
: vigorous begging, then parents should make food delivery decisions on the basis of their offsprings
: calls. Indeed, if you take baby tree swallows out of a nest for an hour feeding half the set and starving
: the other half, when the birds are replaced in the nest, the starved youngsters beg more loudly than
: the fed birds, and the parent birds feed the active beggars more than those who beg less vigorously.
: 9. In paragraphs 4 and 5, what evidence supports the claim that the intensity of nestling
: begging calls is a good indicator of which offspring in a nest would most benefit from a feeding?
: ○ When placed in a nest with hungry robins, wellfed robins did not beg for food.
: ○ Among robin nestlings, the intensity of begging decreased the more the nestlings were fed.
: ○ Hungry tree swallow nestlings begged louder than well-fed nestlings in the same nest.
: ○ Hungry tree swallow nestlings continued to beg loudly until they were fed whereas well-fed
: nestlings soon stopped begging.
: ###想知道為何B不行 答案是C
B 不能選因文中並沒有提到”the intensity of begging decreased the more the
nestlings were fed”;文中只有提到”the starved youngsters beg more loudly
than the fed birds”。
C 文中有提到”Indeed, if you take baby tree swallows out of a nest…the
starved youngsters beg more loudly than the fed birds…”,可知在同一鳥巢餓的
: 10. It can be inferred from paragraphs 4 and 5 that parent songbirds normally do not feed
: ○ nestlings that are too weak to beg for food as vigorously as their nestmates
: ○ more than one hungry nestling during a single visit to the nest
: ○ offspring that were fed by the parents on the previous visit to the nest
: ○ nestlings that have been removed and then later put back into their nest
: ###想知道為何C不行 答案是A
: 懇請大大們幫忙解釋一下!!!
A 為選項是因父母會用小鳥的大小叫聲來決定要不要餵食小鳥,文中提到“If parent
birds use begging intensity to direct food to healthy offspring capable of
vigorous begging, the parents should make food delivery decisions on the
basis of their offspring calls. Indeed, ….”。
C 錯在文中沒提到”previous visit to the nest”,父母每次到鳥巢旁餵食都是根據那
(以上內容由美加 林子育老師提供)
: Paragraph 4:Given that predators can make it costly to beg for food, what benefit do begging
: nestlings derive from their communications? One possibility is that a noisy baby bird provides
: accurate signals of its real hunger and good health, making it worthwhile for the listening
: parent to give it food in a nest where several other offspring are usually available to be fed. If
: this hypothesis is true, then it follows that nestlings should adjust the intensity of their signals in
: relation to the signals produced by their nestmates, who are competing for parental attention.
: When experimentally deprived baby robins are placed in a nest with normally fed siblings, the
: hungry nestlings beg more loudly than usual—but so do their better-fed siblings, though not as
: loudly as the hungrier birds.
: Paragraph 5:If parent birds use begging intensity to direct food to healthy offspring capable of
: vigorous begging, then parents should make food delivery decisions on the basis of their offsprings
: calls. Indeed, if you take baby tree swallows out of a nest for an hour feeding half the set and starving
: the other half, when the birds are replaced in the nest, the starved youngsters beg more loudly than
: the fed birds, and the parent birds feed the active beggars more than those who beg less vigorously.
: 9. In paragraphs 4 and 5, what evidence supports the claim that the intensity of nestling
: begging calls is a good indicator of which offspring in a nest would most benefit from a feeding?
: ○ When placed in a nest with hungry robins, wellfed robins did not beg for food.
: ○ Among robin nestlings, the intensity of begging decreased the more the nestlings were fed.
: ○ Hungry tree swallow nestlings begged louder than well-fed nestlings in the same nest.
: ○ Hungry tree swallow nestlings continued to beg loudly until they were fed whereas well-fed
: nestlings soon stopped begging.
: ###想知道為何B不行 答案是C
B 不能選因文中並沒有提到”the intensity of begging decreased the more the
nestlings were fed”;文中只有提到”the starved youngsters beg more loudly
than the fed birds”。
C 文中有提到”Indeed, if you take baby tree swallows out of a nest…the
starved youngsters beg more loudly than the fed birds…”,可知在同一鳥巢餓的
: 10. It can be inferred from paragraphs 4 and 5 that parent songbirds normally do not feed
: ○ nestlings that are too weak to beg for food as vigorously as their nestmates
: ○ more than one hungry nestling during a single visit to the nest
: ○ offspring that were fed by the parents on the previous visit to the nest
: ○ nestlings that have been removed and then later put back into their nest
: ###想知道為何C不行 答案是A
: 懇請大大們幫忙解釋一下!!!
A 為選項是因父母會用小鳥的大小叫聲來決定要不要餵食小鳥,文中提到“If parent
birds use begging intensity to direct food to healthy offspring capable of
vigorous begging, the parents should make food delivery decisions on the
basis of their offspring calls. Indeed, ….”。
C 錯在文中沒提到”previous visit to the nest”,父母每次到鳥巢旁餵食都是根據那
(以上內容由美加 林子育老師提供)
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