tpo10 聽力Childhood Amnesia - 英檢

Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2016-02-16T13:58

Table of Contents

※ 引述《saucy (Elevator)》之銘言:
: tpo10 第四篇lecture的第五題
: 題目是
: How was recall tested in children without language ability?
How 問如何 測驗 recall
: A. By recording children 's responses to familiar faces
: B. By observing children 's reaction to a repeated series of actions
這是說 重複一套動作 (這是指施測者再重複演出這個動作)
: C. By having children imitate each other 's actions
: D. By having children imitate an ordered sequence of actions

1. 要測驗recall 所以要看的是受試的小孩 能不能重複 看到的動作
B 沒有說要觀察到甚麼現象才稱之為有recall
而且B選項中重複表演的是 施測者

2. 重點其實不只是模仿
replicate the action, the objects used,
the steps involved and the order of the steps

3. The children were asked to imitate the steps immediately
並非記憶測驗 這只是要看看演示完之後
小孩有沒有學到 或者會不會做這些動作

then again after delays of one or more month

: 答案是D
: 但為何B不可以? 意思也跟D很相近阿
: 考滿分解釋是寫題目出自這段:
: So the researchers set up an experiment using imitation-based tasks.
: Adults used props, uh, toys or other objects to demonstrate an action that
: have 2 steps.The children were asked to imitate the steps immediately.
: 教授提到 the researcher set up an experiment using imitation based texts,并进
: 一步解释实际的做法是成人演示一套有两步的动作,然后要求小孩子在当下及一段时间后
: 分别模仿出这套动作来。

Tags: 英檢

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tpo10 聽力Childhood Amnesia

Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2016-02-15T17:47
tpo10 第四篇lecture的第五題 題目是 How was recall tested in children without language ability? A. By recording children and#39;s responses to familiar faces B. B ...


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