TPO10 seventeenth summary 解答 - 英檢

Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2015-08-16T01:16

Table of Contents

我想請問ㄧ下這題的正解。我手邊有兩種答案,分別是 ACF 及 ADF 。


A/ Bringing more land under cultivation produced enough food to create surplus
es for trade and investment as well as for supporting the larger populations t
hat led to the growth of rural industry.

B/ Most rural village established an arrangement with a nearby urban center th
at enabled villagers to take advantage of urban markets to sell any any handic
rafts they produced.

C/ Increase in population and the expansion of trade led to increased manufact
uring, much of it small-scale in character but some requiring significant capi
tal investments.

D/ Increased capital was required for the production of goods, for storage, fo
r trade, and for the provision of credit throughout of Europe as well as dista
nt markets overseas.

E/ Bills of exchange were invented in medieval Italy but became less important
as banks began to provide loans for merchants.

F/ The expansion of trade was facilitated by developments in banking and finan
cial services and benefited from the huge influx of capital in the form of gol
d silver from the Americas.

手機排版,請見諒 >"<

Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2015-08-17T06:20
個人會選C, 最後一段開頭說"同時受益於"跟D的語氣
Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2015-08-18T20:35
Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2015-08-19T20:08


Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2015-08-14T22:32
請問有人在菁英補習班上到一半不想補了,然後最後退費有成功的嗎?或是沒成功的也可 以分享一下,現在面臨這種爭議中... - ...


Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2015-08-14T16:55
我終於脫離托福地獄了~~(灑花) 從上大學以來,就想過畢業之後要出國打工度假 我念幼保系,又剛好看到IEE有美國安親保姆的介紹 剛好也可以增進我的專業能力,所以一直往這方向努力 這兩年來我考了好幾次托福,也試過好多方法 最後在6/28那場考試中,考過iBT門檻79分 現在只要準備好文件,就可以去申請家庭保姆 ...


Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2015-08-14T10:45
我之前有找到一個網站 是簡體的,免費,然後主要是改一些文法還有用詞的錯誤 可是後來網址被我弄丟了Q_Q 想問有沒有人也知道這個網站? 然後他改完的時候在右邊會出現分數(好像是以百分比顯示) 麻煩大家了~ - ...


Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2015-08-13T17:41
871.eventually av. 最後;終於 finally av. 最後;終於 872.eventually av. 最後;終於 in the end ...


Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2015-08-13T17:08
已爬文。 今年官方出版新的考試官方指南(第4版), 雖然看到網上說只有增加模考題庫, 但是不是把以前的第3版大改版?? 因為小弟以前買的全新未拆封的第三版OG在各平台便宜賣卻都沒人回應, 感到很困惑,想問是不是沒有市場要放棄了...? 謝謝閱讀。 - ...