By Frederica
at 2011-01-31T15:36
at 2011-01-31T15:36
Table of Contents
※ 引述《raykuo12 (Ray)》之銘言:
: Paragraph 3:At the upper timberline the trees begin to become twisted and
: deformed. This is
: particularly true for trees in the middle and upper latitudes, which tend to
: attain greater heights
: on ridges, whereas in the tropics the trees reach their greater heights in
: the valleys. This is because
: middle- and upper- latitude timberlines are strongly influenced by the
: duration and depth of the
: snow cover. As the snow is deeper and lasts longer in the valleys, trees tend
: to attain greater
: heights on the ridges, even though they are more exposed to high-velocity
: winds and poor, thin
: soils there. In the tropics, the valleys appear to be more favorable because
: they are less prone to
: dry out, they have less frost, and they have deeper soils
: 8. According to paragraph 3, which of the following is true of trees in the
: middle and upper
: latitudes?
: ○Tree growth is negatively affected by the snow cover in valleys.
: ○Tree growth is greater in valleys than on ridges.
: ○Tree growth on ridges is not affected by high-velocity winds.
: ○Tree growth lasts longer in those latitudes than it does in the tropics.
: 為什麼選項三不行? 答案是一
: 謝謝
"....trees tend to attain greater heights on the ridges, even though they are
more exposed to high-velocity winds...."
(以上內容由美加 黃冠文老師提供)
: Paragraph 3:At the upper timberline the trees begin to become twisted and
: deformed. This is
: particularly true for trees in the middle and upper latitudes, which tend to
: attain greater heights
: on ridges, whereas in the tropics the trees reach their greater heights in
: the valleys. This is because
: middle- and upper- latitude timberlines are strongly influenced by the
: duration and depth of the
: snow cover. As the snow is deeper and lasts longer in the valleys, trees tend
: to attain greater
: heights on the ridges, even though they are more exposed to high-velocity
: winds and poor, thin
: soils there. In the tropics, the valleys appear to be more favorable because
: they are less prone to
: dry out, they have less frost, and they have deeper soils
: 8. According to paragraph 3, which of the following is true of trees in the
: middle and upper
: latitudes?
: ○Tree growth is negatively affected by the snow cover in valleys.
: ○Tree growth is greater in valleys than on ridges.
: ○Tree growth on ridges is not affected by high-velocity winds.
: ○Tree growth lasts longer in those latitudes than it does in the tropics.
: 為什麼選項三不行? 答案是一
: 謝謝
"....trees tend to attain greater heights on the ridges, even though they are
more exposed to high-velocity winds...."
(以上內容由美加 黃冠文老師提供)
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