Tpo 42 閱讀2 第一題 - 英檢

Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2016-04-19T19:43

Table of Contents

Many explanations have been proposed for why dinosaurs became extinct. For exa
mple, some have blamed dinosaur extinction on the development of flowering pla
nts, which were supposedly more difficult to digest and could have cost consti
pation or indigestion--- except that flowering plants first evolved in the Ear
ly Cretaceous, about 60 million years before the dinosaurs died out. In fact,
several scientists have suggested that the duckbill dinosaurs and homed dinosa
urs, with their complex battery of grinding teeth, evolved to exploit this new
resources of rapidly growing flowering plants.

題目 in paragraph 1 why does the author include a discussion of when flowering
plants evolved?

A To help explain why some scientists believe that the development of the plan
ts led to dinosaur extinction

B To cast doubt on the theory that the development of flowering plants caused
dinosaurs to become exti nct
C D 我已經排除

Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2016-04-24T12:07
我個人看法是--題目是問flowering plant evolved,
恐龍能夠消化這些flowering plant了,所以是對前面
Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2016-04-25T00:11
恩 感謝解惑
Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2016-04-26T07:06
態度解題,(A) 是一面倒,(B) 是兩邊拔河,文章有前
後對比及疑惑,選 (B)

04/30 字神 <托福真經> 免費講座

Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2016-04-19T16:53
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Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2016-04-18T19:01
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Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2016-04-18T15:02
【托福閱讀必考字彙】221-240 這個檔案是美加老師們整理了近年正式考試裡面閱讀高頻率出現的字彙,由A到Z編排。 運用前面應該認識的字彙,後方為其同義的字詞,接下來我們會陸續在此分享。 221.award 同義字詞:present with (v.) 授予;給予 222.awe 同義字詞:wonder ...


Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2016-04-17T01:15
大家好,原先報名的考程因為臨時有事需要改期 想請問一下如果改期的話,一樣可以有辦法進行轉讓嗎?(同時一出一進) 謝謝大家!!! - ...


Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2016-04-16T16:50
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